Ultimate X match tutorial: WWE TNA Impact PPSSPP Android Gameplay

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Title: Ultimate X tutorial: WWE TNA Impact | PPSSPP Android gameplay

In this video (WWE TNA Impact PPSSPP android gameplay) I will be taking you through the step by step to win the ultimate X tutorial of WWE TNA Impact.

Here are the things you will learn:

1. How to climb the rings

2. How to climb the rope that leads to the ultimate X (The red X at the top)

3. How to fight your opponent on air.

4. How to pull down your opponent from the top even if the are already dragging the X

5. How to regain consciousness if you are being pulled down from the top while dragging the ultimate X

6. How to curdle your legs around the ropes,

7. How and what to do to bring down the ultimate X and win the match.

As simple as that guys....

To learn "how to perform all stunt," click on the below;
Please don't click this link if you are already a pro:

Here is the download link to WWE TNA Impact PPSSPP android game

File size: 36mb highly compressed (Virus free link)

Download and extract with Zarchiver or 7zipper from playstore

Enjoy! 😉

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Here is the download link to WWE TNA Impact PPSSPP android game

File size: 36mb highly compressed (Virus free link) Download and extract with Zarchiver or 7zipper from playstore

Enjoy! 😉
