[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 3: Integer Programming #10 Traveling salesperson problem: Basics

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[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 3: Integer Programming #6 Facility location: UFL
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 3: Integer Programming #1 Introduction
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 3: Integer Programming #4 Facility location: Overview
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 3: Integer Programming] #2 IP formulation (1)
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 3: Integer Programming #10 Traveling salesperson problem: Basics
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 3: Integer Programming #7 Machine scheduling: Overview
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 3: Integer Programming #11 Traveling salesperson problem: Subtour elimination
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 3: Integer Programming #3 IP formulation (2)
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 3: Integer Programming #5 Facility location: Covering
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 3: Integer Programming #9 Machine scheduling: Makespan minimization
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 3: Integer Programming #8 Machine scheduling: Completion time minimization
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 2: Linear Programming #3 Elements of a mathematical program (2)
Operations Research--The Contract Award Problem (Part I Building the ILP Model)
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 5: Case #1 Background and motivation
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 2: Linear Programming #6 Three types of LPs
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 5: Case #5 Model formulation objective
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 2: Linear Programming #5 Graphical approach
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 5: Case #2 Research objective
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 2: Linear Programming #10 Compact LP formulation: Production and Inventory
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 4: Nonlinear Programming #3 Formulating the EOQ model
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 5: Case #3 Problem description objective
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 2: Linear Programming #11 Compact LP formulation: Product mix
General Integer Models
[OR1-Modeling] Lecture 4: Nonlinear Programming #10 Linearizing products 2A