💜🍂 i read + ranked alice oseman's books to celebrate heartstopper on netflix!

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hey besties,
in celebration of the heartstopper netflix series coming this month, what better way to celebrate than reading + ranking the novels of the author who brought this amazing story to us! reading oseman's stories have been so much fun, and so i hope you're just as excited as i am!

have you read alice oseman's novels? let me know what you think!
with love,
joel 🗡

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— books + timestamps
🗡 00:00 intro (part 1)
🗡 03:15 sponsored integration
🗡 04:42 intro (part 2)
🗡 11:46 heartstopper trailer reaction
🗡 44:17 final rankings

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🌻 This video is sponsored by Surfshark.
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Рекомендации по теме

as someone who is aroace i got kinda disappointed after reading Loveless in the people who rated it lower just because they thought Oseman's point with the representation was to represent sex-repulsion as the only way for someone to be asexual, when that definitely wasn't it at all. I feel like people put too much pressure on queer books now to accurately represent ALL the ways someone can be trans, bi, ace, aro, etc. when that really shouldn't be how it works. Everyone has different ways of experiencing gender, sexuality, and romantic attraction, so why does ONE single piece of queer representation have to represent ALL of it.
Besides I personally think Georgia being sex-repulsed was perfect for the point Oseman was making in how relationships that don't involve sex or romance are just as important as those that do.


i highly disagree about there needing to be more sex positivity in loveless. as a sex repulsed aroace i can’t describe how important loveless is to me and i really see myself in georgia. loveless is such an important book. society is already so sexualised and being sex repulsed in a world like this is so isolating and it’s a struggle to even just be comfortable with yourself. georgia being a sex repulsed aroace like me is so refreshing and to finally read someone i can relate to was such an amazing feeling. i feel like there’s already so much sex positivity in this world that loveless focusing on sex repulsion is so crucial, especially to aroaces. of course, not all aroaces are sex repulsed, so there might be a book about a sex positive asexual, but i doubt it. there’s already so little about us aroaces in books, in movies, in the media, etc, that finally seeing myself represented in this book made me so happy /nm


alice just announced she's going on a break so thankfully they can rest


as a closeted 16 year old rugby player i fell in love with heartstopper


why is no one in these comments talking about Solitaire? it was by far the best book, maybe ive ever read. i LOVED it. the way they wrote Tori was so well done. so raw. so human. so relatable and lovely. the way she tackles the topics of mental health was extraordinary. as someone who suffers from a lot of the same things her charecters do in the book (an0rexia, $elf-harm, su1cidal thoughts, depression, ect.) i felt so represented and seen throughout this whole book. i related so dearly to these charecters struggles, and even though the book didnt end with a ton of hope and everyones problems being solved, it showed me that -as tori says in the very last line of the book- Im not alone. which is so powerful.
and not only that, but the plot was very well written and entertaining. i was kept on my toes the whole time. i seriously couldnt put this book down.
and their side charecters were very fleshed out. they have so much life as well.
i cant get over how well written this whole book was. every chapter truly made me feel something. i typically dont react strongly to books but this one had me laughing out loud so many times. it made my blood boil with anger. it made me cry tears of sadness and immense happiness. it was so good. i cant reccomend it enough.
that being said however, it deifnetly was not a light read. there were some really heavy parts so check TWs and proceed with caution :)


i love how he casually coordinates his clothes with the bookl he is talking abt


As someone who identifies as asexual, reading Loveless was WILD because I had never identified so much with someone's experience of the world, even though my journey with asexuality has been completely different and without the anger or confusion Georgia has in the book. But the way she writes about sexuality and the way they do and don't understand it is SO recognizable, it's mindblowing. And also the focus on friendship and deeply investing in it and fleshing those relationships out as well: incredible, like so recognizable and real. Never read a book that reflected on relationships and friendship in such a real and recognizable way.


I absolutely adore the way Alice Oseman builds their characters. They’re just so… human? So deep? She truly is a model when it comes to writing realistic and complex characters!! Also Radio Silence has been haunting me for years now, especially regarding my relationship with Academia….. dang, it hit bullseye


This account has no business being that comfort


About loveless, while I haven't read it, I am ace and from talking with other ace people, a lot of ace people go through a phase of being hypersexual and using sex as a coping mechanism, not for pleasure, especially before they knew about or accepted asexuality. From that perspective it can be hard to imagine that other people actually like sex, especially when it seems so repulsive personally. When you were just playing a role, it's hard to imagine that not everyone was.


i relate to angel in such a personal level i actually felt attacked reading i was born for this 😭 also, about what you said about that one radio silence quote — i don't comment a lot on your videos but i just wanted to say they do resonate with me and probably do to your other viewers too, i love the commentary you give while also making it fun and enjoyable. so yeah!! don't worry we are listening


My rankings:
1. Loveless
2. Heartstopper
3. I was born for this
4. Solitaire
5. Radio Silence
6. Nick and Charlie
7. This Winter (and i still rated this a 4.5/5)


alice oseman is one of my favorite authors!! my goal is to get their other books for my birthday. great video as always :)


Omg, slightly unrelated but you and Jack Edward's (another booktuber) should totally do a collab!!!! Your vibes are so similar and cool and omgggg that would be the collab of a lifetime 😍


rankings for the oseman verse :)
1. radio silence + heartstopper (I can't choose just one)
2. this winter
3. loveless
4. solitaire
5. nick and charlie
6. I was born for this


I read Solitaire when i was in a major crisis of mental health and even though it didn’t make my situation better I teally felt like i wasnt alone which meant a lot to me at that point. After an autism diagnosis i thought about what a psychologist said to me about some autistic people being asexual and i really try figuring this out because i got the feeling of being aroace so now i really look forward to read loveless


Love how you match your shirt colour to the books 😍 Oseman is such a good author for teen/YA readers. Loveless was brilliant!


yo the outfits matching the covers!!!!


alice is my comfort author and i hope she does get her well deserved rest, especially when ur british and a LGBTQIA+ british author is amazing


Soiltaire is my favorite book, the thing is i dont really think about the plot, the reason i love it is because of Tori and how i relate to her. I love all of Alices book, but Solitaire is something that makes me feel seen, not that their other books dont do that but. Alice is defently my favoritt author <3
