5 Quick Tips to Climb Ranked: Kindred

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Take a look at 5 quick tips to make you a better Kindred player!

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Don't forget to use walls to kite melee champions like Hecarim and Udyr and Olaf. Everytime you want to skirmish try and scan the terrain for walls you can use to kite champions


1:47 this tips only works if the enemy is in your R protection range, as in if they're about to die save your E proc after the ult so you dont waste the damage.


Best advice I can give is learn WHERE you can win a skirmish and against who. Melee without a dash that can leap walls you should really look to position your self to be able to kite around anything you can go though they can't and identify what melee champions have counter play to this also, xin can dash to you if he lands a skill shot though the wall for example so be aware of this.

Don't be afraid to burn flash aggressively to land E in ganks or to extend the range of your Q in a moments notice

Final bit of advice, like vayne you should not ALWAYS use your Q to early, its easier to dodge skill shots like arhi charm by side stepping with Q than just moving to the side, using it too early when someone has a skill shot that can instantly turn them into the aggressor often leads to a dead lamb


5:35 yeah! I got my mark on scuttle, rotates to the next one and waited for it to get marked and sure enough it did and i was able to kill it AS it got marked. Really showed me how powerful this champion can be if the person knows how to play her marks right. New favorite main and bro tysfm for the wall jumps cuz you blew my mind. Just spent 30 mins practicing them!


Great vid! I actually didn't know that the Q also procs the E stacks, that actually makes a big diff

Also, I just have a quick feedback about the marking arrows used in the wall-hop section:
- it's a good idea and actually helps players know what you're talking about more
- but on the other hand, they're kinda unclear, the colors kinda mixed with the map colors so I kinda noticed them late.

I think it might help if you add another effect on top of it like slightly darkening the screen except for where the arrows around the mouse are. Maybe I'm just blind haha

But again, great vid! Keep making more of these plz <3


it is also possible to get a 5 camp clear if u get a good enough leash before scuttle spawns, if ur support doesnt care about exp then u can full clear but scuttle will probably have already spawned. Also this is more for ppl completely new to kindred but ur q cooldown, if u initiate it inside the w then it will have the reduced cooldown, even if you jump out of ur w with it, if u activate ur w while ur q is on cooldown then it will get the reduced cooldown. On ur first clear, q a second before using w, that way u can fit another q right as the w ends and get the coolddown reduced for the next one. U can also kite the blue buff very easily by positioning ur w in a way that it includes outside the wall with the brush, then move towards gromp, then move to the other side of the wall then q over it. I have found that this is the best way to clear the blue buff, u will take no dmg and its quite easy, be careful to not make the blue buff enter the brush as it will become untargetable, that is why u have to move to gromp first.
EDIT: U have to kill red buff by 1:44 to get a 5 camp and still be in time for scuttle and i dnt think it's possible to get a full camp clear and still be in time for scuttle with kindred (the number is obviously not exact but from my experience, any more and i will simply go for red, blue and gromp and wolves if there are no lanes to gank)


7:40 can we acknowledge that baron and rift herald are both spawned simultaneously?


Lambs Q gives her enough escapeability in jg that you can't opt out of flash for ignite or exhaust for more kill pressure


Can't wait to see all the new Kindred mains destroy me in solo Q :3


maan this is useful information. thanks!


A real kindred player ignores what he said and goes into ranked and try out the jumps, fails and still goes 18/2


Can anyone tell me some tips with the wolf and scuttle bug? :)))


You are using the q right to go through wallls


these long range jumps are ridiculous to aim. is it better to skip honestly? 8 seconds wasted if you miss. big risk, but is the reward all that great?


Okay but why does RH and BR living together


This champion is too complicated for my stoner ass


As a kindred otp, I can say all these tips are the most most basic ones lmao


Res pit? It’s Respite. Reh-spite. Holy shit this drive me nuts all video
