Halo 4 Legendary Ending- Didact's Speech

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If you think about it, that's the first time Chief's had his armor off since the beginning of Halo 2. Probably stinks


this trailer really hammers home just how much bigger spartan 2s are than normal humans, lordy Chief just towering over everyone.


It's cool seeing the IV's all stop to watch a Spartan 2 OG walk by. Like a show of respect to John for not only being a hero but for also being their predecessor and seeing the first iteration of what would become humanity's salvation. Such a cool scene.


Everyone talking about the visuals but Didacts speech goes hard af


Honestly Halo 4’s story is incredibly underrated. I loved it at the time it came out and it’s nice to see people warming up to it more now


The fact that the chestplate just thuds down without bounding just shows how heavy it really is, and how strong Chief has to be to wear it


Palmer: I thought you’d be taller.
Chief in this scene: (Becomes height itself)


I didn’t notice this the first time but chief so so big that he can’t fit on the wheel thing that auto takes the armor off, and the techs have to manually manipulate the equipment to remove his armor.


The most legendary ending is when Master chief finally can seat down and finish his Big Mac.


I really like the Didact as an antagonist. He is utterly convinced that life would simply cease to exist if the Forerunners weren't there. It's why he just couldn't let go and accept the Halos as a solution to the Flood: Halo would kill the Forerunners. In his mind any other solution, even one as horrifying as using the Composer, was a better alternative than Halo. He really thought, right up to the very end, that he was fighting for the existence of all life everywhere.

Imagine what he could have taught humanity if he'd have been more like the Librarian. Think of the kind of galaxy he could have helped mankind create. I pitty him, really. A soldier who just couldn't put down his sword when the war was over.


I hate seeing those guys run off the pelican ready to help people, but then they see there is no one to help.


Halo 4 really is the "forgotten" Halo game. I've always appreciated how 343 really attempted to make Halo much more of a real-life looking sci-fi, especially after Halo 3, which was a lot more cartoon-looking. For a first stab at Halo, they did a great job. Unfortunately, I think they got pulled in many different directions by the fans and business expectations after that. But the fact is the story of Halo 4 is great and it's one of my favorites. It's the only other Halo game with cutscenes almost on par with Halo 2. I still hope someday we get a Halo that brings back that realistic art design to everything.

Edit: The decision they made to make the ending a monologue by the villain antagonist you just destroyed is really interesting, as it almost makes you feel sympathy by hearing his perspective and concerns. You learn his ultimate goal of securing safety for the galaxy is not too different from that of the humans, unlike the goal of the Covenant. There's an ominous hint to what he's saying, foreboding that humanity's triumph will ultimately be their downfall. Too bad they didn't run with that idea in Halo 5 and Infinite.


Whenever I hear this speech, I imagine the Didact standing before the Ecumene Council and giving the exact same speech.


Just realized that because he is a spartan 2 he doesn't fit into the ring meant for taking off the armor, since it's meant for the newer Spartans.


When Chief moves his arms out after looking at the armory wheel, it really shows you a sense of just how large he is. Yeah walking past the IV's is one thing, but that wheel is even larger than them, and he is large than it. I'm sure those technicians were like "Finally! I've always wanted to do this with a 2!". Chief's armor is not even the same generation as the IV"s armor, or their variants, so the technicians probably had to learn how to use this on Spartan 2s as a separate training. Chief isn't the only Spartan 2 out there, but they are extremely rare. Its like an Army technician in 2021 who is used to maintaining Bradley IFVs see a M113 pull into their garage.


That chest plate was so heavy, it didn't move when it hit the ground.

Do you know how heavy something has to be to hit the ground from that height and not move? That's insane...


I know a lot of people really hate this armor but I’ve always liked it


this is such a good speech, i just wish 343 would’ve made him less...well...boring


Such a long speech for a guy that gets killed in a comic book nobody read


Didect: “Master Chief, you’ve changed nothing. Your species has the attention of those infinitely greater.
You have become an annoyance. Prepare yourself for the arrival.”