How to save a centipede from a bad molt (Belting)

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Belting has almost always ended in death in every case I've ever heard of, well when I found this guy almost lifeless stuck in its molt, I wasn't about to lose him so I tried something drastic. Here is the vid on what I did to save its life, and it worked!
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I've done this with mutilans before.


i have not had a chance to look at any of your other videos, so I apologise if you have explained on one before. I have my first centipede, a desert tiger and have been looking for all the information I ca find on keeping him happy. This is by far one of the most useful I have seen yet, although has given me something to worry about. What I want to ask is if you have any ways of telling when they are ready to moult, I keep lots of praying mantises and can usually tell when due to the position they get into and that they stop eating. Any tips gratefully received. Thanks again for the video. Harry


My adult Hainanum has just had a bad molt. She didn't get out at ALL. I've done my best and cut it open - got out her head and 1/3 of the body. I will now go to sleep and pray she will be out of the molt and alive in the morning. It is 3am rn I've stayed up for 2 hours doing this. I hope I haven't damaged her and that it was helpful, not the other way around


Excellent video sir, may I pose a question for you? My Vietnamese giant has been holed up in her substrate for about 4 weeks now, I was wondering if you knew why, or any info you could give me. I think she might be getting ready to molt... If she is, how long does that normally take?


How did it get in that predicament? Lack of humidity?


how do i know if mine is going to molt he has stopped eating for about 2 weeks now and has been burrowing around i checked on him today and he has a lump on his 7th abdamon do you think hes about to molt hes a juvinile
