GOP Senate Candidate Rape Comments Rejected By Mitt Romney; Will Richard Murdock Hurt Campaign?

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The presidential candidate is being criticized for having previously supported the Senate candidate.

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Well listen 21 times.... the word "LIFE" was the SUBJECT NOUN that he used TWICE. At the end of his sentence the word "THAT" represents the implied usage of the SUBJECT NOUN.

Anyone that completed a grade school english class can understand that.


If Romney wins the world is doomed....2012 will be the end of the world as you know it!!!!


You are incorrect. His exact words were "even when life begins in that horrible
situation of rape, [that life] is something that God intended to happen."

Plaese don't change the facts.


Romney did not ask Mourdock to take down his ad. Romney must belive the same way as Mourdock. Mourdock ad is the only one Romney video. Romney should go on television and state he is removing an ad with him supporting Mourdock before I would vote for him. Romney stated he would get rid of planed parenhood, he would select supreme court judges that would over turn abortion laws, and he support personhood. It would be illegal to take a birth control pill. If that happen women should block men.


Theres a reason why God allow Richard to make that comment. Because he wants to end Richard's political career.


I am so sick of people making excuses for Thugs.
It is not God's will and Women do not have a "built in defense" against Rape!!
I returned from Afghanistan in 2010 after 18 months of fighting Taliban Thugs, only to find the Veteran's of Foreign Wars (VFW) was allowing Convicted Drug Dealers and Registered Sex Offenders to be members of it's Posts.
Even more disheartening, is the fact that most of these thugs never served day one in the Military, but instead joined under their Family members.


I am typically against the hypocritical Republicans. But I truly don't see anything wrong with what Murdock said. Either you believe God creates life or you don't... there is no in-between.


People commenting on this video in regardes to the rape statement saying Romney supports that.. are clueless and have not watched any of the debates. Before you attack someones views learn what they are.. He never said anything like that.. IN FACT he said he supports abortion in situations such as rape or if the mothers life is in danger. He does not support murdocks statement and it does not reflect his views


It is illogical to you because you aren't' too bright. It is called FREE WILL. There are 2 separate acts here:1) Rape. This is an act by man, which God does not condone. 2) The creation of life, which all Christians doctrinally believe can only be done by God's will. When children are born out of wedlock, that doesn't mean God agrees with the act of fornication. I wish I could have this debate with someone that is intellectual enough to understand both perspectives whether they agree or not.


The DNC should be ashamed for how they are attacking this man. It was obvious his point was that even though rape is awful who is to say what should be done about the baby. Be honest with yourselves. This is a tough problem. I personally believe that abrotion is wrong but understand why a woman who is raped would want the choice NOT to have the baby. What was Donnelly's answer? Vote for another stimulus? By the way, this was the original position of many Democrats but of course they are fine.


As a Christian, I believe that every life has a purpose and God doesn't make mistakes. Again... if that is not your belief, that is fine. But I have been of the Christian faith my entire life, and nothing you say will change my mind... trust me!


Apparently he did not mention {that life}. I have been rewinding and rehearing it for more than 20 times, that was attributing to that situation. The situation involving rape that results in pregnancy to happen.

Even Mitt himself disavows his words and with the record of so many repulsive Republicans saying stupid things with regards to rape, how can one rational individual not believe what i believe?

Please don't change the facts.


And we call this a new life from God, a gift. This by no means describe rape as God condone just because we say a new life is a gift from God. That life is innocent from the hideous acts of rape, just like the woman is innocent of that. (again according to our beliefs) So when is life, a life? This is the question that you should be thinking about


FIRST OFF....there is no invisible man living in the sky and secondly, yes the frictional god of the bible condoned both rape and slavery. perhaps you should actually read it.


In case you din get that, the comment was a sarcasm


What you are clearly attributing to is that you define the fruits of the evil act, that unborn child as something that is disposable because it will cause damage to the psyche of the woman. What we Christians are saying that is the unborn child is innocent of such an act.

But of course religious opinions are personal beliefs that varies differently from individuals. We cannot impose a same belief system on everyone. But the issue is, under law when is life, exactly a human life?


You are right. Thank God for you explaining to me. I believe Mitt have not completed grade school then.

Its give me more reason not to vote for Republican candidates.


@antjz0, that is just weird and just as bad.


Assume there is no divine entity? Assume?? and what would be your proof of such a superstitious notion? you assume that i am ignorant and yet you base your life on a book of fables written by primitive desert tribesmen.believe me i have no problem distinguishing the difference between genuine and the fake.
for example compare the origin of species to the bible.


I respected your strong trust, belief or watever you called it on a world without a divine being. thats your choice and I will not criticize it because you are free to believe what you want.

What I am saying is very simple. Just because one stupid Repulsive Repub say something stupid about rape does not mean everyone belonging to Christianity believes. I don't assume you are ignorant. I am saying you are ignorant to assume all Christians have a similar stance like that repub. Understand?
