How to Play Caitlyn in Season 14 [Full Guide]

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In this Caitlyn guide, you will learn about the strategies used by the BEST Caitlyn players in the world so you can win more games yourself.

0:00 Caitlyn in Season 14
1:07 Coaching Advertisement
2:01 Caitlyn Runes Guide
4:42 Caitlyn Items Guide
7:00 Caitlyn Lane Phase Guide
9:36 Caitlyn Team Fight Guide

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One useful tip for Caitlyn is that her ult can be really useful to use for just general poke in lane if the enemy ADC thinks they are safe just farming under tower. It can make it just a bit more dangerous for them to allow the wave to push back into the lane. It's free nearly unavoidable damage after all so only saving it for kills isn't always necessary if it forces them into the bad situation of having to risk pushing into lane at low health or having to base while losing minions to tower while Caitlyn gets free tower plates.

He didn't really mention it in the video, but Caitlyn's best strategy is often trying to farm tower plates as fast as possible as she can get them much easier than most ADCs with her great wave clear and headshot damage. Even if you die from a gank or two while pushing waves into tower, you're probably going to be still way ahead in gold since they'll lose minions to tower and you'll have extra plates. It's still kind of difficult to gank Caitlyn since she can just E away so easily. So always warding river is a priority to give yourself time to react to any ganks. It'll also put pressure on the enemy jungler to have to deal with Caitlyn instead of farming or ganking other lanes.


this came at the right time. learning caitllyn and im mediocre with her. I find it hard to bully in early laning bc i get traded back and become half health or lower = (. I guess my spacing is just rly bad. and then i fall behind. Is lethality cait good still? when is it good to use?


I try as much to dominate earlier in the game...then later on I just sneak around to help destroy towers. Been practicing with bots alot and does help me against pvp.


Hi I've got a question. If Titanic Hydra is not good on Cait. Can we swap it with Ravenous or Profane Hydra instead?


Does the headshot trick only work with titanic? Cause I think if ypu could do it with ravenous hydra the stat profile would work quite well, at least in terms ove giving you some life steal early and more damage. What do you think?


I don't understand what you mean about titanic being too hard to use... like its just not lol. If you have ever played old Caitlyn with the headshot autocancels its basically the same concept just easier to execute. Caitlyn really only does damage with her headshots so getting that instant burst feels unreal. Also the extra wave clear in mid game with titanic also feels really nice. The normal crit build is fine but titanic feels in a lot of the gaps for Caitlyn. Shes not ordinally able to build any tank items as a crit adc, her wave clear is ok but not the best, and her dps without guaranteed cc for her traps is lack luster at best until super late game.


You can be doing amazing in lane but you also need to remember that there are 4 other clowns in your game that could easily toss you a loss. SoloQ climb relies on you playing a ton and having a duo, better if your duo is a full rank below you to abuse the matchmaking balancing. (tons of people do this).
