Lambda World Meetup 'Q: Programming as a Tool of Thought' – Jesús López-González

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Shocking as it might sound, these one-liners in the Q language, "{(*/)1+til x}" and "{x{x,sum -2#x}/1 1}", implement the factorial and fibonacci functions, respectively. Yep. You might think that this terse syntax, commonly found in array programming languages, is the result of a quest for awkwardness and obfuscation, but nothing far from the truth: actually, it’s intended as a tool that will allow us to reason about our domain processes in a more effective way. This talk will unveil the design patterns underneath this syntax, and will relate them to familiar abstractions from functional programming (higher-order functions, functors, applicative programming, etc.). We will use Scala to exemplify equivalent implementations, and facilitate understanding. In sum, the takeaway of the talk is: do you like functional programming? Then, you are halfway through becoming a proficient Q developer!

Lambda World Programming Meetups are sponsored by Xebia Functional (formerly 47 Degrees) and are a subset of the Lambda World Conference. This Lambda World Programming meetup is in collaboration with ScalaMAD and MadridJUG.
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Great talk! Some of the solutions for listed problems in J from same language family:

NB. 1st, factorial, comments start with NB.
! NB. this is a bit of cheating since J has factorial primitive

*/ @: (1 + i.) NB. in J you can omit arguments, @: is a compose operation, we first do 1 + i. which is range similar to til shifted by 1, then multiply-reduce/fold it.
NB. this is direct definition equivalent, y is a reference to right argument
{{ */ 1 + i. y }}

NB. 2nd mutations
p2 =: {{ +/ x ~: y }} NB. here x refers to left argument you would invoke this as 'ABCDEFG' p2 'ABXDYFG' to get 2, J uses infix notation, =: is assignment
[: +/ ~: NB. tacit solution that does not mention arguments

NB. 3rd longest sequence
iota =: i.@:# NB. for an array make a sequence 0, 1, ... <array length>, # finds array length
unique_id =: (- iota)@:(# iota) NB. we first find indexes of non-zero elements, then subtract another iota to compute unique id per group
p3 =: {{ >./ #/.~ unique_id y }} NB. /. is a key operation that groups inputs by value, it is also combinator similar to fold /, here we use # to count elements for each group

NB. 4th pyramid
p4 =: <./~@:(}:, |.)@:(1 + i.) NB. this one slightly shorter in J, first bracket computes familiar range, |. reverses array and }: removes last element

p4 5 evaluates to
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
1 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 4 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 4 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
