How Kazakh authorities exempted oligarchs from taxes

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While calls for conscience are heard from President Tokayev, under his side the business elite of Kazakhstan quite legally avoids multibillion-dollar taxes secretly from the wide eyes of the public.

Taking advantage of the low level of public financial literacy, the Kazakh authorities have created all the conditions for the "specials" to have the opportunity to freely withdraw huge amounts of money from Kazakhstan to offshore companies under the guise of developing the stock market.

I hope that after watching this video, one of you will reach out to the Guarantor of the Constitution and show him the real state of affairs in the country.

⌚ Timestamps
00:23 I Introduction
01:51 II Stock Exchange for Special People
06:48 III Tax Evasion Schemes
11:39 III How much the state budget is losing
12:52 IV Conclusion


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Рекомендации по теме

Good job! I reckon you promote Kazakhstan a way more efficiently than all these shitty state agencies like Kazakh Invest or Ministry of External Affairs )


Жандос что за песня в начале Шазам не находит, вроде с гладиатора ?


Жандос привет 🖐️, я тут где-то вычитал в скольз о том что Казахстан отдаёт России чистой выручки 8 миллиарда долларов в год. Это с нашим союзом как-то связано? Мы закупаем на такую сумму товары у России? Из чего складывается эта сумма, интересно 😁. Можешь ролик сделать насколько нам "выгодно" состоять в Еаэс и во сколько это нам обходится, будет очень интересно.


Аудармасы болса қазақшаға или орысшаға
