nanoHUB-U Biodesign L3.1: Gene Circuits - Introduction to Transcription Networks

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Table of Contents:
00:00 L3.1: Circuits: Introduction to Transcription Networks
00:13 In this lecture …
00:45 "Cognitive Problem" of the Cell
02:44 Transcription Network
03:22 Information Processing
04:28 Transcription Factors
05:16 Transcription Factors
06:13 simplest view of transcription
07:01 Transcription factors as activators
07:41 Transcription factors as repressor
08:14 Gene Expression in Prokaryotes Vs. Eukaryotes
09:03 Gene Expression in Prokaryotes Vs. Eukaryotes
10:18 E. coli Transcription Network
12:08 RegulonDB
12:58 Curated TF – Gene Network in E. coli K12 in RegulonDB
14:31 For Further Knowledge
15:01 Coming Up

Cellular Design Principles is a five week course that explores the design principles underlying mechanisms of cellular and biomolecular functions such as cell architecture, energy storage and conversion, sensing and signaling, communication, time keeping, molecular synthesis, memory, and motility. Emphasis will be placed on the chemical, physical, and mathematical features that determine the performance of the biological device. Topics cover both cellular/biochemical processes and molecular/genetic circuits. Examples are presented from reverse engineering of natural systems and design of new synthetic systems.
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