Guitar Lesson 6: 'CAROLINA IN MY MIND' - Official James Taylor Guitar Tutorial

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Learn to play James Taylor's "Carolina In My Mind" with a guitar lesson directly from James himself!

James Taylor's beautiful, complex, original guitar technique has been celebrated and imitated by some of the greatest musicians in the world. Now, Taylor himself is posting detailed lessons of his famous guitar style on the web, free of charge.

With innovative camera angles and slow motion demonstrations, students at all levels can clearly see every move and hear every individual note that goes into creating Taylor's iconic songs.





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Can't believe I'm actually watching to James Taylor teaching me how to play Carolina in my mind... Awesome. :)


I just want to say that this is the best thing that's happened to me as a guitar player. I have loved and listened to James for years and grew up with all of his songs. ( and also Joni Mitchell's) There are so many artists out there that are so secretive about their music when it comes to letting anyone learn their songs or just the chords. I applaud James for sharing and teaching his music with all of us.There can never be and never will be another that compares to James' music. You can hear three or 4 notes of a song and immediately know it is James Taylor playing. His picking technique is phenomenal.  So thank you James Taylor for for making it possible for all of us to learn these wonderful songs that have filled our lives for so long the best!!!


I've been using that hammer off for years now in my playing. I was listening to Carolina on CD one afternoon. My 16 year old daughter heard it and immediately said, you sound like him when you play Dad. I nearly cried with thanks. Thank you James. 35 years playing and I learn something every time I listen to your magic. Noel


These lessons are very generous gifts from a genius and my favorite guitarist and singer of all time. Thank you James!


OMG.... I LOVE YOUR MUSIC, and my father was biggest fan of you... !!! Now I have the chance to reconcile myself with the guitar, I have not touched one since I was a child and Im so excited to have found your lessons here... the sound of your cords is just pristine...the same as your songs... Thank you so much for these lessons, and for your wonderful music....


Terry, this is James' official youtube channel and he does read the comments here regularly.


My God this is gold. An intimate moment with James Taylor, while at the same time being in awe of his skill. What an interesting young man he would have been to meet, to have created something so beautiful.


wow... my favorite song by James Taylor taught by himself. I can't believe it. Not only has he given us the pleasure to enjoy his music, but also he teaches us how to play. I dont have work to express how grateful I am


Does anybody else find themselves just listening and watching and drifting on the absolutely beautiful playing, and not actually learning the d%^m song!!!! OMG what a treat


There is no greater gift than the gift of stories told in beautiful then to also show us how to recreate these songs ourselves, is truly a most wonderful and selfless gift. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


The often overlooked brilliance in J.T.'s work is that he writes in a limited number of keys, all of which fall into a comfortable vocal range that has allowed him to continue as the primary vocalist when performing (unlike others who can no longer execute vocally the way they could earlier in their career). I've been to at least seven J.T. performances over the years and he never disappoints. Though it's a challenge to pick "favorites" with subjective media (art), I've always felt that the "JT" album was a pinnacle in his body of work. Turmoil in an artist's life almost always results in exceptional art. Thank you, James, for all you given us!


hello james ... I'm Italian and I forty-seven years old I listened to your music since I was just a boy ... I wanted to thank you for the heart of everything you've been able to give me with your music ... because I know you're not only a great artist but also a special person .... thanks again.


Mr Taylor, not only are you an exquisite musician and songwriter, you are also a wonderful person for sharing your knowledge with other guitarists for free. We appreciate it very much. Your music will be enjoyed and played for many generations to come.


Man those bass lines are simply warm and walking in the sunshine.


Thank you James. You will never know what it means to us to have you share this with us. We all love you.


Hey James, Thanks for existing in this world. Much appreciated.


I always wondered about his Ds and As, and his ability to add suspended notes so smoothly. Turns out he actually inverts the fingerings! Damn!


Dear James, thank you so much for doing this. I see there are no ads so you must doing this for free, that's an amazing beautiful act of sharing that means so much to so many people.

Your songs are quite hard to work out on your own or using tabs, I always had the feeling I'd be missing some special tuning or techniques so it would never quite sound right, now I can see exactly what you are doing I can finally play them correctly.

I've played guitar for about 25 years now, not particularly well technically I guess, but I love to play and to sing songs that I like, there is a kind of pure beauty or emotion in playing music, for a short time at least I can get totally lost in that feeling, one of the best parts of being alive.

What you are sharing is not just how to play some tunes, but the chance for fellow guitarists to connect with you and your music on that emotional level that comes when you play the song well, it's like a pure exchange between humans on different level.

Finding this has really made my day, to see someone just freely sharing something beautiful and valuable, just for the sake of sharing, it's wonderful to see the good side of people and life, reminds me what is important.

Slightly cringey comment perhaps but damn I am impressed by this, it means a lot to me. This is my first youtube comment in years.

All the best to you James.


The James Taylor...oh my..the legend giving the lesson. Thank U James..and Youtube.


This is the best guitar song lesson given by a great artist !