O Wrześni - (Song about Września)
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Pieśń jest adaptacją wiersza Marii Konopnickiej "O Wrześni". Wiersz dotyczył wydarzeń z Wrześni, gdzie w latach 1901-1902 doszło do strajku uczniów spowodowanego nauczaniem religii w języku niemieckim. Do najgłośniejszych i brzemiennych w skutki wydarzeń doszło 20 maja 1901, kiedy niemiecki nauczyciel Schölzchen wymierzył karę cielesną 14 dzieciom za odmowę odpowiadania w języku niemieckim na lekcji religii. W reakcji na to przed szkołą zebrał się wzburzony tłum. Uczestników tych zajść władze niemieckie ukarały więzieniem i grzywnami.
This song is adaptation of poem written by Maria Konopnicka. Poem was about Września childrens strike in 1901-1902 years. In April, a number of students (one source gives the number of 118) in the Catholic People's School in Września (Katolicka Szkoła Ludowa we Wrześni), attended by about 650 pupils, refused to accept new German textbooks, and to participate in the class activities. The teachers responded with detention and corporal punishment. Over the coming weeks, the students' parents became increasingly vocal in protestation against the punishment of their children. On 20 May, a group of 100 to 200 people were protesting in front of the school, until they were dispersed by police, called for by the school. The German administration threatened that the students will not be allowed to finish school. Adults involved in the protests were put on trial for public disturbance, preventing the officials from carrying out their duties, trespassing, and similar crimes. Twenty-six people were officially charged, and on 19 November 1901, twenty individuals were sentenced to imprisonment from several weeks to over two years. Polish activists formed two committees to support families whose members were imprisoned. The German administration soon disbanded the committees, and in turn charged the activists.
Pieśń jest adaptacją wiersza Marii Konopnickiej "O Wrześni". Wiersz dotyczył wydarzeń z Wrześni, gdzie w latach 1901-1902 doszło do strajku uczniów spowodowanego nauczaniem religii w języku niemieckim. Do najgłośniejszych i brzemiennych w skutki wydarzeń doszło 20 maja 1901, kiedy niemiecki nauczyciel Schölzchen wymierzył karę cielesną 14 dzieciom za odmowę odpowiadania w języku niemieckim na lekcji religii. W reakcji na to przed szkołą zebrał się wzburzony tłum. Uczestników tych zajść władze niemieckie ukarały więzieniem i grzywnami.
This song is adaptation of poem written by Maria Konopnicka. Poem was about Września childrens strike in 1901-1902 years. In April, a number of students (one source gives the number of 118) in the Catholic People's School in Września (Katolicka Szkoła Ludowa we Wrześni), attended by about 650 pupils, refused to accept new German textbooks, and to participate in the class activities. The teachers responded with detention and corporal punishment. Over the coming weeks, the students' parents became increasingly vocal in protestation against the punishment of their children. On 20 May, a group of 100 to 200 people were protesting in front of the school, until they were dispersed by police, called for by the school. The German administration threatened that the students will not be allowed to finish school. Adults involved in the protests were put on trial for public disturbance, preventing the officials from carrying out their duties, trespassing, and similar crimes. Twenty-six people were officially charged, and on 19 November 1901, twenty individuals were sentenced to imprisonment from several weeks to over two years. Polish activists formed two committees to support families whose members were imprisoned. The German administration soon disbanded the committees, and in turn charged the activists.