This Song Will Help Set You Free (FREE MY SOUL official lyric video)

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Image created by @skip_closer for Fearless Soul

More Fearless Soul you can listen to every day:

"Finding it hard to forgive
Just because it’s easier to hold on,
Doesn’t mean it’s good for me
Looking for a sense of control
But it’s letting my pain define me,
It’s getting in the way of who I actually want to be

It’s never too late to change, let go, never look back
Don’t want to be a prisoner of my past anymore

So I’ll free my soul, keep moving forward
Forgive who has hurt me, focus on my future
I’ve got one life, want to make it count
Accept the past, gotta love myself
So I’ll free my soul, keep moving forward

Even when it isn’t my fault,
Gotta own my side of the story
And take all the lessons I learn with me
Lost time never comes back so,
Why do I keep replaying it in my head
When it takes away from the joy of who I am today"

Official Website:

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Thank you for watching. WE APPRECIATE EVERY ONE OF YOU :)

#FreeMySoul #FearlessSoul #MotivationalSong
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It's NEVER too late to change, let go, never look back.

(on every music platform NOW, including Spotify and Apple Music)


Let's pray together! Dear God, please make my days useful, my nights restful, my home peaceful and my efforts fruitful. Amen.💕 Amen.💕


I feel so all alone and lost as I go through my cancer treatments. This journey I did not ask for but I guess God has a perfectly good reason for it. As I wait to see what it is he shows himself in this song about love. How awesome is he! I feel his love!


Guys if anyone feels you don't have a friend we in the comments are all good much positivity guys...just feel loved you can do the unthinkable believe in yourself 🔥🔥🔥


It’s actually my dream to open a cafe that plays music like this, has a nice aesthetic, and is a place where people can chill, relax, and when they’re having a hard time they can hang out there and just think about life.


Amazing, Whoever reading this, God knows what you are facing through, He heard your cry, He is going to deliver you Just trust in him. Amen.💕


There is a moment in everybody's life when a voice comes from inside...
The voice that makes everyone think about what they are doing...
That voice makes us realize about the wrong things we are doing...
All we need to do is to listen to that voice...

In today's world... It's impossible...
Everyone is lost...
But there are still some people who listen to that voice and only those people know that how special that voice is...


For so many years I kept myself in bondage to my pass. I was molested as a child by someone very special to me. I loved this person so much. I withdrew from everything. I felt so unclean and unworthy of love. I was married at the age of 15 and gave birth to my first child at 16. My husband was 17. We were both children raising children. Though I loved my late husband very much at such a young age we had many problems, but we stayed together until he passed away in 2002. I gave my life and heart back to God in 1995 and have never regretted it . The Lord took all the pain away from my life that day and put it onto His shoulders because I am weak, but He is strong. My late husband gave his life to God in 1997 and I was so thankful. Each of our three children followed and gave their lives to God also. We serve an awesome God who loves His children with an unbelievable amazing agape love. ❤


I ask for someone to pray for me. I'm struggling with everything. Please ask God to help and give me guidance through this rough time.Amem


Everyone out there is fighting their own battles in different fields but we’re all warriors. We’re all going to make it before we even know it. Never stop having faith and hope on humanity as we are here reading this comment section because we have so much to relate to and if you could relate even with single soul from this comment section then You’re not alone, my friend. 🤗🤗


"Focus on my future"
"I've got one life"
"Free my soul keep moving forward"
Thank you so much..I really needed this 💖


My grandmother passed a week ago and a hummingbird was her thing I knew I had to listen to this. This is how I live everyday and I have for a while now and it's worth it. It's hard to practice but it's definitely changed who I am ❤️🙏


"My body is healthy, my mind is brilliant and my soul is tranquil!"


Just the right time for me to start to healing, Amen.


Sometimes a song can make u feel like this is me. I honestly believe this & I can’t stress enough that my past was holding me back. The pain was intolerable at times but the Blessings of God is keeping me moving forward so this song has true meaning for me.


this music deserves to be played on the radio, amazing master pieces and amazing artist


Almost 2 years ago a beautiful soul introduced me to this song. I never realy understood this song completely until the break up.
I'm still struggling to forgive, to let go, to put the past behind.
But damn it's so hard. My heart is ripped in thousand pieces and I'm still trying to collect all them pieces. Maybe one day I will learn to forgive myself and let go


It's really hard to forgive, and forget that hurts you most .But this is the only thing we can do to have a peaceful life . 😌🙏❣️


Being Alive from January till today ain't no joke. Lord I'm grateful🙌💕.


If Jesus sets you free you will be free indeed 🙏😇
