AlgTop24: The fundamental group

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This lecture introduces the fundamental group of a surface. We begin by discussing when two paths on a surface are homotopic, then defining multiplication of paths, and then multiplication of equivalence classes or types of loops based at a fixed point of the surface.
The fundamental groups of the disk and circle are described.
This is part of a beginner's course on Algebraic Topology given by N J Wildberger at UNSW.
The fundamental groups of the disk and circle are described.
This is part of a beginner's course on Algebraic Topology given by N J Wildberger at UNSW.
AlgTop24: The fundamental group
AlgTop25: More on the fundamental group
Definition of the Fundamental Group
Fundamental group Meaning
1_7 Fundamental Group
Algebraic Topology 1.4 : Fundamental Group
Introduction to the fundamental group
AlgTop25: More on the fundamental group
Fundamental group of circle and torus
The fundamental group | Algebraic Topology | NJ Wildberger
Fundamental group
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Homotopy and Fundamental Group--Part 1
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Fundamental groups of surfaces
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On the algebraic fundamental group of surfaces of general type by Margarida Lopes