Metal Piece From 1947 Roswell Incident Analyzed By a Government Lab

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Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about the results in regards to the metal piece (allegedly) retrieved at Roswell in 1947
#roswell #ufo #aliens

0:00 Analysis of a metal piece
1:28 Who dun it?
2:40 What this piece was supposed to be
3:10 How antigravity inside works
4:05 What's terahertz frequencies though?
6:10 Terahertz waveguide materials
7:30 How this connects to this sample
8:00 Results and conclusions - why this was made
10:30 Isotope confirmations of its origin

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Keeping data on failed experiments is arguably more important that keeping data on successful ones. Especially for flight testing.


The only piece of metal I want to know is that damn man hole cover that reached Mach Fuck during an underground nuke test


It should be noted that ARRO is not a well-regarded scientific institution. It’s a government organisation with no remit for sharing data and prominent scientists like Gary Nolan and Jacques Valée have recommended not giving any data or materials to them. Nolan is setting up an open source organisation of public scientists, as opposed to government employees, to carry out experiments on alleged ‘exotic’ materials in a way that is fully open to full scientific rigour. The Sol Foundation I think it’s called.


"Claimed to be from the crash site" just doesn't cut it. If there is no chain of custody, you have no "evidence". That sample could have come from anywhere.


Everybody knows that Bismuth doesn't create "unusual vibrations inside" (3:35), it quells them. That's how Pepto-Bismol works.


Ah terahertz frequencies! Now everyone knows.
I’ll be busy in the basement.
Don’t interrupt me.


I think the man in that black & white photo eventually came out and said the material in the photo was not what they found.


I thank Anton for not click baiting. This topic is fodder for click baiting and I can see so many others would take advantage of that for clicks regardless of how annoying and insulting to our intelligence that would be. Anton is one of the best for actual education.


Boy... I wonder how a piece of magnesium alloy ended up in the New Mexico desert near an Air Force base? Jeez, what a mystery! Thx Anton.


@01:02 Just wanted to point out that the 'material' in the B&W picture according to the man in that picture is NOT the material that he first saw at the recovery site. That picture according to him was a staged picture trying to make people believe that the object was just a weather balloon.


I don't know what happened at Roswell but I do have a story about what came next. My wife's family are from Dayton. They were friends with a man who worked at Wright Pat. I guess you'd call him the quartermaster. Anyway it was his job to sign in and inventory everything that got delivered to the base and sign out anything that left. Several days after the alleged crash three crates arrived from Roswell. When he asked what was in them, like he was supposed to, he was told it was none of his business and if he ever asked again he would be shot. He held that position for many years but nothing like that had ever happened before or ever happened again. Whatever was in those crates it was something special. He never did learn what that was or even where they put them.


Hey man, please be cautious with anything coming from AARO. They've been extremely elusive and withholding information from Congress, and Congress is not amused. I would be careful citing them as a trusted source of information.


Looks like the pile of metal filings that builds up underneath a bench grinding wheel. The stuff comes off the wheel hot and kinda welds itself together forming a hard layered wafer of sorts, especially when grinding different kinds of metal.


Linda Moulton Howe wrote about this in her book Glimpses of other Realities. I don't know if the sample you are referring to is the same as the one she had analyzed, but the intriguing part, at least at the time, was that the researcher who did the analysis also conducted a literature search on materials made of alternating layers of bismuth and magnesium and could not find anything. At the time, some people speculated that this was some kind of residue from an industrial process. Also the isotope ratio was found to be within terrestrial range. For those who want to read further, it's in the chapter Military Voices of her book.


"The bullet from the murder weapon was analyzed by suspects mom. And she came to the conclusion that her son didn't even know the b*tch"


Anton, I know exactly what it is. It is build-up from the inside of a Cathode Arc Deposition machine, used to make thin film coatings such as Titanium Nitride for example. Each run deposits thin layers of metals used to coat parts. This builds up over time, and eventually has to be chipped out as part of vacuum chamber maintenance. The reason there is no record of it is it’s literally garbage.
Does it have interesting properties? Yes.
Are those properties useful? No.


My tutor at chesterfield foundry college told us how he helped discover SG(spheroidal graphite) Iron .In a lab foundry Dr Morrow had finished a cast, and needed to dump excess iron from the ladle. He chose the wrong bin. A hopper full of magnesium 'stuff' ! boom. During the clean that bin took some time to cut. they expected a brittle compound, , but it was tough, took a pounding but yielded gradually. my tutor, Mr Gleaves, was set the job of examining the alloy, and said he prepared the polished samples for morrow to view in a scope! The carbon in the ladle iron solidified into a ball after hitting the Mg! Not a flake, which can intiate a crack...= failure.
The ball of carbon has no edges meaning an increased resistance to failing. Voila Ductile Iron.
Wey it was 40 year ago, but my best recall.


RF guy here: THz used to be called "long IR" in the old days. We have made one's of THz mixer diodes and Gunn oscillators, but yeah, the miniscule waveguide gets lossy. Still, a fellah can "see" through all sorts of things. Handy for scopes and radars, All terrestrial work. 73 de W3IHM


Anton you always seem to find highly interesting and obscure information to pass on. Thank you.


This is why I appreciate you so much Anton. What you always give us is honesty. You're perception of it. Which is very nice, Thank you so much for that.
