Learn Selenium Python For Absolute Beginners Tutorial 25 (Writing To Files)

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In part twenty-five of the Selenium Python test automation for beginners series, Tim shows how you can use Python to write to files.

He introduces the open() function and the "w" write mode feature in Python to show how you can both create and write to a file (for example, txt, xls, etc).

He also shows how you can automically have Python close a file using the with-as statement and he concludes with showing how you can append data to your file using the "a" mode.

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Рекомендации по теме

I was able to use an array to create testing checklists for multiple features at the same time. Here's what my code looked like:

items = [["Feature_1", 127], ["Feature_2", 253]]

for each in items:
with open("{}-Ref_{}.md".format(each[0], each[1]), "w") as f:
f.write("# Feature: {}".format(each[0]))
{ my actual checklists here }

This was great for writing out the testing requirements for each user story in a separate file, so I could easily test them as the work progressed.
