'Excursion Around the Bay' - arranged by Blake Richter
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Who knew a tragic song about death could be so fun? This Newfoundland folk song tells the story of a lad who is expecting to have the trip of a lifetime with “the boys.” As they are getting their ship ready for their excursion, the lad’s wife is pulled on board by one of his shipmates. His wife becomes deathly ill while aboard the ship. The men do every logical thing they can think of to save her: they feed her cake, candy, fat pork, kerosene, and castor oil—you know, the essentials. The cure does not go as planned. This piece has a tragic ending, but just like all Newfoundland folk songs, the melody and rhythms of the song have an odd way of brightening your spirit. I truly hope all who sing this piece enjoy the ridiculous journey as you travel with your lads on an unforgettable Excursion Around the Bay.