Whose Land Episode 2 - Ottoman Turkish rule over Palestine

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Whose Land is a documentary, produced and directed by Hugh Kitson and narrated by Colonel Richard Kemp, which examines the claims to the Land of Israel, through the eyes of historians and international lawyers.
Chapter 2 explores the Ottoman Turkish rule over Palestine.
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That’s not true Ottoman Empire has treated everyone equally but Palestinians weren’t able to sell their lands to non ottoman citizens mostly Jews who offers triple of its worth. So they fought to ottomans with British people and stabbed them in the back. Today they are paying its price.


It is unfair to say Turks didn’t treat Jews well..Ottoman Turks have treated its Jewish minority very well. Because they didn’t riot. Jews of Istanbul, Izmir and Thessaloniki lived very happily during ottoman period. In fact Thessaloniki was the center of Jewish intellectuals.. it is the Europeans who have treated Jews terribly. Almost all European countries treated Jews as second class citizens except ottomans.


British Palestine sensus of 1922 divided by religious groups was 590, 890 Muslims, 83, 794 Jews and 73, 024 Christians. My family belong to the Christian community - the oldest in the world.


The most peaceful land under the ottomans


Those who never learn history are doomed to repeat it. I’d say this, there is *no independent Palestine.*


This briefly mentions a very important fact why Jews came to Palestine in the late 1800s. Through the 19th century Russia threatened to retake Constantinople for Christians. Britain and France allied with the Ottomans, afraid that Russia would gain a port in the Mediterranean. One cost of this aid was the Turks had to agree to give Christians and Jews equal rights with Muslims. For Jews suffering pogroms in Europe, the idea of living in Palestine was inviting. The local Arabs were horrified of the idea that Jews might gain a majority and have a say in governing their own towns. It was Muslim hostility to treating other religions equally that led the Jews to realize they needed their own nation to ever be free.


In the 19th century the Ottomans were very good with the jewish people. Most of the Palestinian lands were sold to the Jews during the Ottoman period. A research into the Camondo family will show the major influence they had on Ottoman politics.


later in 19 century Karen Kaemet purchased a lot of land and payed high prices. All records you can find in Italuan Archives even today.


I see complaints that don't make sense when facts are given


Great video...it brings up many historical facts that the world today chooses to ignore. If one goes to Jerusalem today you'd have no idea what Col. Kemp is referring to as it's all built up around the Old City. But if you read Mark Twain's account of his trip to Palestine then it was only desolation and disappointing. Even the account of Capt. Chas. Warren suggests that the land was barren. Contrast that with the Torah and accounts of Judea before and during the Roman occupation which suggest that it was indeed a land rich and flowing with milk and honey. The problem is that the world today does not care about history. We see in America that it's nothing to lie and rewrite history, tearing down monuments erected to remember and sometimes to celebrate history. So great as this video is, not the UN, nor a sizable portion of the world cares a fig about what really existed in the "Holy Land"...they only care about what fits their ignorant agenda. Their behavior and attitudes are more akin to the Grand Inquisition than the 20th or 21st centuries. 
Col. Kemp is quite a leader and very courageous to stand on the side of truth and historical fact when many like him choose not to.


The question of land ownership and population in the period around and before 1900 needs more well-sourced information.


Interesting, informative and well put together. I look forward to the sequel.


Muslims and the left .... "How dare you teach us history" !


Yikes. The logic here is that no Arab Palestinian state ever existed and so one never should.


It's called Jerusalem for a reason. Not palesruselum.. It's what is left of Judea.


Good account. Funny how people here cant bear to face the truth. 😢🎉🤦‍♂️


Despite efforts to improve education in the 1800s, the Ottoman Empire lagged far behind its European competitors in literacy, so by 1914, it’s estimated that only between 5 and 10 percent of its inhabitants could read. It may not be neccessary for me to describe the actual activities of the Ottomans have been carried out for almost 700 years.


Did anyone manage to find the 1863 census referred to in the video? I'm struggling to find it anywhere


When have Europeans become spokespeople for Jews?


1871 - 1878 map, survey, uses of land and demographics of Palestine ? A British exercise in ottoman land ? Where can you his information be examined ?
