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Рекомендации по теме

This aged well like fine wine
Kessler was indeed Butcher's Imagination


I think daredevil is better only bc that series is finished.


Q1 Do you think Homelander will die in The Final Episode of Season 5?
If so, they need to give him a good death and it will be a perfect way to send off the character and complete his character arc
And Q2 Will Soldier Boy and Queen Maeve return in this Season?
Q3 Will Ashley still be in this season and the final season of the Boys?


Why does Butcher reminds me of Kraven the hunter in Spider-Man 2? Or is it just the beard 😂


The Boys would have been the best comic book TV show, if Daredevil didn't exist


Hi! I’m back again you’re the best YouTuber and remember don’t give up❤🎉


Did i miss something? How do we know that Butcher took permanent V?


“Kick in when he’s in trouble”?… idk, man.. the few Diabolical episode that are cannon included the one where the lady’s cancer comes alive, and we saw something coming out of the poor bunny.


yes but no since they disrespected god


Lmao the boys is shit on a sidewalk compared to Daredevil 😂😂😂


Daredevil low diffs, The Boys is for kids who like s*x, violence, humor, and jokes instead of story
It's completely trash


Lol the boys isnt even close to the best superhero show of all time. Its not even top tier lol.


Yes it is. I hate daredevil ngl. Fell asleep watching it about 5 times


Sister is after homelanders son not him
