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PT/BR: Eta Carinae é uma estrela que vem intrigando os cientistas há séculos. Já chegou a ser a segunda mais brilhante no céu noturno, perdendo apenas para Sirius, durante um grande e repentino aumento de brilho ocorrido no século XIX. Quando observada pelos primeiros telescópios, de baixo poder de resolução espacial, os astrônomos não enxergavam a estrela diretamente: ela é circundada por uma nebulosa de emissão. Os primeiros observadores a associavam ao formato de um ‘homenzinho’ e a nebulosa ficou conhecida como ‘Humúnculo’. Observações com excelente resolução espacial realizadas pelo telescópio espacial Hubble revelaram que a estrutura da nebulosa era, de fato, constituída por dois grandes lóbulos.
EN: Eta Carinae is a star that has puzzled scientists for centuries. It was once the second brightest in the night sky, second only to Sirius, during a great and sudden increase in brightness that occurred in the 19th century. When observed by the first telescopes, with low spatial resolution power, astronomers did not see the star directly: it is surrounded by an emission nebula. Early observers associated it with the shape of a 'little man' and the nebula became known as 'Humuncle'. Observations with excellent spatial resolution carried out by the Hubble space telescope revealed that the nebula's structure was, in fact, made up of two large lobes.
#nebulosa #carinae #telescopio
EN: Eta Carinae is a star that has puzzled scientists for centuries. It was once the second brightest in the night sky, second only to Sirius, during a great and sudden increase in brightness that occurred in the 19th century. When observed by the first telescopes, with low spatial resolution power, astronomers did not see the star directly: it is surrounded by an emission nebula. Early observers associated it with the shape of a 'little man' and the nebula became known as 'Humuncle'. Observations with excellent spatial resolution carried out by the Hubble space telescope revealed that the nebula's structure was, in fact, made up of two large lobes.
#nebulosa #carinae #telescopio