Hania Rani live at Invalides, in Paris, France for Cercle

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Hania Rani playing live from the royal courtyard of the Invalides, in Paris, France for Cercle.

☞ Cercle Records

☞ Hania Rani


48°51'23.6"N 2°18'45.6"E

Video credits:

Artist: Hania Rani
Band: Ziemowit Klimek, Wojciech Warmijak, Adam Jełowick, Kacper Krupa, Jarosław Kawałek
Venue: Cour d’Honneur des Invalides, France
Produced by Cercle
Founder & Creative Director: Derek Barbolla
Music Director: Philippe Tuchmann
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Director of photography & Post-production: Mathieu Glissant (Saison Unique Production)
Cameramen: Mathieu Glissant, Mickaël Fidjili, Quentin Souchier, Jérémie Tridard, Augustin Thai
Production team: Anaïs De Framond, Dan Aufseesser, Armand Prouhèze
Technical Manager: Aurélien Moisan
Sound (onsite): Timothée Renard, Kévin de Waard
Live sound engineer / recording: Agata Dankowska
Monitor engineer / recording / mix & master: Maciej Kuśnierz
Lights: Gauthier Guerisse, Quentin Enguerrand
Photo: Maxime Chermat, Geoffrey Hubbel
Regie: Yan Karpinski, Patrick Demangue, Laurent Isnard
Communication: Pol Souchier, Lola Lebrati and Emie Monnier
Graphic Design: Anaëlle Rouquette
Label Manager: Clémence Maillard
Finance: Andy Cheremond, Kevin Benisty


Official Partners:
Hotel des Invalides
Musée de l’Armée
Eau Neuve

Special thanks to:
Le général de corps d’armée Christophe Abad, gouverneur militaire de Paris
Le général de division Henry de Medlege, directeur du musée de l’Armée
Carlo Garrè
Monika Ignaczewska
Stéphanie Froger
Julien Cohen-Tanugi
Julie Brisset
Jean Flute
Hugo Feret
Fabrice Marchand
Ludovic Bouchard
Gondwana Records

Hania Rani Appears courtesy of Gondwana Records


00:00:00 Hania Rani - I'll Never Find Your Soul
00:12:16 Hania Rani - Esja
00:20:35 Hania Rani - Tennen
00:27:52 Hania Rani - Leaving
00:33:24 Hania Rani - Buka
00:39:58 Hania Rani - Ghosts
00:44:22 Unreleased
00:48:11 WhoMadeWho - Abu Simbel (Hania Rani Invalides Version)
00:54:53 Hania Rani - Zero Hour
01:02:29 Hania Rani - Come Back Home
01:08:00 Hania Rani - Hawaii Oslo
01:14:20 Hania Rani - Come Back Home
01:20:16 Hania Rani - Don’t Break My Heart
01:26:29 Interview with Hania Rani

This artistic performance has been recorded live.


#haniarani #cercle
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Breathtaking. You know when you pick up that rare book, when you don't know it's going to speak directly to you, and you can't put it down and you stay up half the night to finish it? That's how I feel about this performance at Invalides. I just found it on YouTube. I had never heard of her before and was just looking for some background music to do some work. I was captivated--so very much in the moment, in the present, in the ecstasy of deep connection to my soul. Her music transcends boundaries of spirit, scale, and place. It pauses time and sucks you in to be and experience. Thank you for that amazing performance and for sharing your talent with the world. May we find peace, joy, and acceptance.


I visit Sweden every summer to stay with friends and we always find a concert to attend.I’ve been to concerts over there over many years from Iggy Pop to Robert Plant, Kris Kristofferson to Bryan Ferry.
My friends suggested we go see Hania Rani in Stockholm in May of this year as they had read a bit about her and were curious as to what to expect.
The concert we attended we all agreed blew absolutely everything else we’d seen out of the water.
This Paris concert is beyond wonderful and will be watched many times over.


I saw her live in Rotterdam this year and had to chance to talk to her after the show.
I hesitated for a bit, because meeting an artist in real life can be a real bummer if they turn out to be really arrogant or lofty, but I’m glad I took the change!
I can't explain how lovely and kind hearted she is in real life. She’s truly one of a kind. Stay Awesome Hania!


The fact that this has no commercials gives me faith in humanity


I came across this by chance and was instantly entranced. I've never heard such strange and beautiful music. At first we might be impatient -- where is this going?-- because we are all so impatient, consuming things in little bites all day long and hurrying along. Here, in this space, we can sit still, surrender, and be carried by the music. Hania asks the audience at the end: "did you like it? was it okay? because I wasn't sure." Dear Hania, your audience was so still and silent because they were utterly transfixed by the wonder of this performance. This music shows us the soul, shows us how beautiful the neurology of humans is. I feel sadness but also amazement at how young people can create such beauty when all around is stress, demise, even horror. Hania and her band take that melancholy too and make something beautiful of it.


The moment you know that someone is a true artist when you listen for over one hour of their music which is totally not in your favor and you admire every minute of it ❤


it´s actually kinda cute that she looks and sounds so nervous while talking to the people but when she´s performing the world stops, honestly the best find of the year thank you cercle for giving the opportunity to these artists so we get to know em, 100% new hania fan she´s just amazing her music is so unique and beatiful


Just several days ago I had a chance to visit a concert in Lodz, Poland where Hania Rani received an award on the music festival - Golden Ear. Concert was unbelievable, that was in small venue and the silence and focus of the attendees was speaking as much as music. Everything was blacked out only few small lights around pianos on stage. I been to some concerts, including masterminds like Sting, Peter Gabriel or Ennio Morricone, but I never seen so many people sitting, heads supported by hands on knees, not even watching just focusing on what they hear. Unbelievable.
Concert started with her going into the mood and feel, mixing various elements from songs plus custom freeflow in improvisation, at least that was my feeling. To feel and receive all of these details, focus you had to achieve was, at times, hard to describe, perhaps even close to painful.
Still, to be honest here Hania - perhaps because she had complimentary team - went beyond herself. I wish this particular concert will be released on the CD/Vinyl, as it is truly legendary, and sound quality is just fantastic.

As I mentioned after concert, wishing you mrs Hania fruitful well deserved international career, thank you for sharing part of your soul and allowing us to explore this wonderful place.


Let's just not ignore how beautifuly perfect the sound recording of this is!


I decided to queue up a Cercle set with dinner before curling up with my book, but so much for that plan — both my dinner and book are laying forgotten and I am curled up in bed watching this for the second time in a row with even more tears streaming down my face than the first time through…


I love how, no matter how angelic and profound a performance an artist gives, they're still unsure whether their audience enjoys it. Humility of the truly gifted knows no bounds


Breathtaking and impressive how she is full present in the moment. I rarely heard a full concert on YouTube. This one I have heard in full length 3 times the first day and 4 times the second day. These sounds keep me addicted. Not able to hit the stop or pause button. May YouTube has hacked my algorithmen.


Her music takes me to a place I've never been with any other artist. Thank you Hania.


The algorithm has brought me here today and I could not stop listening. I have listened to it twice now and bought concert tickets. Not one artist has ever done that to me ever. Simply out of this world


It’s autumn 🍂 in Missouri-driving through the Ozarks with windows down and this playing, even the falling leaves seem to be dancing on their way down. So sublime


Je me disais que nous avions perdu de si grands compositeurs capables d’écrire des partitions superposées pour tout un orchestre ( mozart- bach-…) Hania Rani à elle seule arrive à créer l’harmonie orchestrale où chaque note est à sa place et se superpose à plein d’autres que ces instruments magiques peuvent créer. De plus un vrai orchestre vient amplifier cette harmonie synthétique. Que du bonheur, que de la beauté ou la création musicale reprend ses lettres de noblesse face à trois petits accords pour une banale chanson de nos jours .❤


Is Cercle the best channel on youtube? Yes, of course. And just give them the well deserved Nobel Peace Prize for bringing people together with lovely music!


What I love about Hania Rani is that her pieces have different musical arrangement during concerts. It's like a knew song every time. Amazing concert, as always.


So many notes, so many melodies, the beauty makes my head explode. Awesome. Woderful young people.
I am 67 year olds.


Love this lady. She is one of those artists whose art comes directly from the center of her being. In this concert she pulls the other musicians from the center of each moment into her miracle of creation. And we get to watch and listen.
