Create Great Designs with Shape Language – Step by Step Guide

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What is shape language and how can you use it to create awesome character design? Here’s a simple step-by-step process that will lead you to a great result: start with exploratory shapes, develop the exterior design and interior design, adjust, and add color and functionality for a complete character design.

00:00 What is Shape Language?
00:59 Starting Shapes: Explore Your Mind
01:39 Process: Exterior Design and Interior Design
02:53 Adjustments: The First Shape is Never the Result!
03:27 A Great Result: Clean-Up, Color, Functionality
03:51 Wrap-Up
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A great example of shape language and its importance.


i would like to see more shape design videos since all i see is line art based process and i myself like the idea of shaping the idea as you go


Thanks man. This helps to better understand the process and to take it step by step


Thank you! Very inspiring and easy to watch and understand! Love your videos


Hey I just discover your channel and all your pdfs! the way you accurately manage theory is so great and precise!! Even you clarifyed me about where the concept of Big Medium Small came from, you got a really great content!! Do you got more resources to recomend to read more about this? I¨m researching right now about visual perception and also how to introduce a new shape, once you stablish your main shape that is still in coherence and doesn¨t "betray" your visual language, basicalle how to make all cohesive together. Thank you very much! keep it up the great content!


Hey! nice video but i just wanted to give some feedback of what i'd love to see more
I'm not just wanting to learn more but i'd also like to see more of the creative process, the art in the video is gorgeous but it feels like a powerpoint presentation
If you could record some of the process of the drawings it would be a lot more capturing. The last video for example (monkey study) was absolutely perfect in that area. I'm not sure which direction you're trying to go with your videos, but maybe a blending of the 2 could hit that sweet spot.

From what i've seen on your channel so far, the content is still amazing and you've got a subscriber! i'm excited to see where you go as a content creator
Best of lucks mate
