Peace Recitation

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Best Of Morning Glory Album - Dr. Juanita Bynum
Instagram : @IAmDrJuanitaBynum
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I wish everyone listening to this song in 2025 find his peace he's giving it out everyday just grab a peace you will filled with so much Joy in your life I can't stop praising Jesus I found his peace I'm so overjoyed in his peace shouting thank you Jesus for your peace Amen 🙏


My mother passed away Jan 16, 2024 and I have been a mess ever since. . But this song right here, glory to God takes me to a place of peace. It settles my mind and spirit in such a profound way. I am so grateful to God for His peace! Amen


I needed this song right now at 10:06pm on January 3, 2025


Let him be your peace today ❤️ you’re not going to lose your mind. You are not alone. Trust God .. I promise you things will turn around 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


I’ve been listening to this song several times a day since November 5, 2022. The day my husband of soon to be 10 yrs told me he got another woman pregnant. I just so happen to turn on pandora and this was the first song that played. From that moment I heard God spoke to me. It’s time for me to have peace. My two kids and I haven’t seen him since. So I packed up his things and put them at our front door. Days later I found out she had lost the baby. I wish him and her the best of luck . I’m sorry for their loss. It’s time for me to move forward and have PEACE. Thank you for this song. I believe it will continue to help me get through this new journey in Jesus name I pray Amen.


I needed this song today 1/13/2025. Thank you Lord for your favor and grace. Thank you for seeing me through. Amen


16 years ago the Lord delivered me OVERNIGHT from 9 months of severe depression, anxiety, and paranoia. I listened to this song about a week later and my entire soul felt a quickening as I knew Jesus, my Prince of Peace wanted me to hear this song as a memorial of His MERCIFUL DELIVERANCE! I literally woke up from DARKNESS INTO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT OF SALVATION! MY SOUL WAS SO ENCOMPASSED WITH DARKNESS FOR SO LONG THAT WHEN I WOKE UP MY FIRST WORDS WERE "IS THIS REAL!!" MY JEHOVAH MEPHALTI MY SOUL WILL FORVER PRAISE, GLORIFY AND CLING TO YOU!✝️🧎🏾‍♀️💜


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Lean not into your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him & he shall direct your paths!!! I love you God ❤


Today I give God my life, l, m a crack cocaine user for 42, year, s and it has destroyed my life, an l tried so many times to do it on my own.But when I gave it to God, through his son Jesus Christ, that's when my peace came into my life, you see l understand that Jesus Christ took all sin to the cross with him, They say that he is a miracle worker, and l, m writing this today because l, m one of those MIRACLE, . JESUS CHRIST gave me peace, , and he also gave me my family back, That's why l give God the PRAISE, HONOR and GLORY, through his son Jesus Christ


If you ever feel like u have nothing n your unloved on every aspect I pray that u hear this song and take it to heart. Let go n let God, this is real. It can and will save you. God is real.❤️


My peace, like a Dew my favorites off her album


Shabbat Shalom.. Rejoice and be glad for this day I have made for you. The perfect peace of The Most High Yah surpasses all understand and His peace shall be with you. Peace and blessings family 🙏🏾


Hi Praying for the one who read this : God Got You Whatever you need, he will supply it : Trust Him:God Is The Only One Who Can Give You Peace: Received It:God Bless You 😁 Smile God Loves You Have A Bless Day Trust God


Every time I wake up feeling scared I listen to this I fall right back to sleep feeling nothing but peace Thank you Jesus


2024 I listen to this song every morning


🙌🏾🙌🏾 thank you lord Jesus Christ for peace i listen to this daily. And it pulled me through so many years of lost of love ones. Struggle with finance. My health and husband and my children. So I say that to say this. Give every single thing to god. It looks hard but let go n let god.🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾


How many people are here because of Good News Thursday on Sway In The Morning? This is a powerful song.


never gets old! True daily! YOU ARE MY PEACE.


Hi Happy Sunday Happy New Year 2023 Praying for Everyone Who Is reading this: People are looking for peace in money drugs alcohol & people:All of that & you still can't find it:God Is The Only One Who Can Give You Peace:If Your Mind Stay On Him: Praying Also For Our Country & The World: Souls For God"s Kingdom Have A Bless Day Trust God 🙏😁


God we need your Peace today!!! On 3/10/2022 Across the World. We are in such pain and turmoil, your children are crying out for help. There is war, hunger, disease, death, deceit, lies, anger, bitterness, crime, hatred, backstabbing. LORD WE NEED YOU TODAY!! Some are ignorant to your word. Touch their hearts Lord. Those that know your word are crying out to you Lord.. GIVE THEM PEACE!!! IN JESUS NAME!! AMEN!!
