Roll Your Own Google Analytics Alternative with Umami on Windows

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#Umami #Analytics #Windows

What is Umami?
   01. Log into the Windows device
   06. Install Microsoft Visual C++
   07. Run the downloaded MySQL installer, accepting the defaults and selecting the Typical installation when prompted
   08. When the installation completes, make sure "Run MySQL Configurator" is checked ≫ Click Finish
   09. Step through the installer accepting all the defaults
   10. Enter and confirm a root password when prompted
   11. Launch a Terminal or PowerShell window
   12. Run the following commands to login into MySQL
         # change directory to mysql\bin
         cd "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server*\bin"
         # connect to the database
         .\mysql -u root -p
   13. Authenticate with the root password set during the database configuration
   14. Run the following commands to create the database and database user
         CREATE DATABASE umami DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
   15. Back in File Explorer, navigate to the Downloads directory
   16. Install NodeJS, accepting all defaults
   17. Extract the downloaded Umami files
   18. Rename the extracted folder Umami
   19. Cut the Umami folder to a location it can safely run from, C:\apps\Umami in this example
   20. Hold the SHIFT key and right click in the white space ≫ Open PowerShell windows here...
   21. Run the following commands in the PowerShell window
         # create .env file
         notepad .\.env
   22. Paste the following into the .env file
   23. Save the changes to .env and close Notepad
   24. Continue with the following commands in the PowerShell window
         # make sure .env didn't get a .txt extension
         # install dependencies
         npm install --force
         # build umami
         npm run build
         # run umami
         npm start
   26. Login with the username admin and password umami
   27. Navigate to Settings ≫ Profile and click the Change Password button
   28. Enter the current password (umami) and enter and confirm the new password ≫ Click save
   29. Welcome to Umami
Run Umami on System Startup (Optional, but recommended)
   01. Press CTRL + C to kill the running Umami process in the open PowerShell window
   02. Open a text editor and paste the following
         :: Start Umami server
         cd /D "%~dp0"
         start "Umami" /b npm start
   04. Click on the Start Button ≫ Type task ≫ Launch Task Scheduler
   05. Right click the Task Scheduler Library folder in the left pane ≫ Create Basic Task...
   06. Set the name to Umami and optionally set a Description ≫ Click Next
   07. For the Trigger, select When the computer starts ≫ Click Next
   08. For the Action, select Start a program ≫ Click Next
   09. Complete the form fields as follows:
         Add arguments:
         Start in:
   10. Click Next
   11. Check the Open the Properties dialog checkbox ≫ Click Finish
   12. In the Properties dialog, click the Change User or Group... button
   13. Type System in the Object name field ≫ Click OK
   14. Check the Run with highest privileges box
   15. Click OK to create the scheduled task
   16. Right click the Umami task ≫ Run
   17. Refresh the open web browser to verify Umami is now running from the scheduled task

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