Elisa Postinghel (Trento)

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Elisa Postinghel (Trento)
7 July 2022
"The geometry of Weyl orbits on blow-ups of projective spaces"
Linear systems of divisors on blow-ups of projective spaces in points in general positions are connected to certain polynomial interpolation problems. While for the case of plane curves and of surfaces in 3-space there are conjectures, although long standing, formulated by M. Nagata, B. Segre and others, in the higher dimensional case we are in the dark. However, when the number of points is not too large and the blow-ups are Mori dream spaces, an action of the Weyl group on cycles of any codimension governs the birational behaviour of the space on the one hand, and the stable base locus of divisors on the other hand, and it yields a solution to the interpolation problem. Joint work with C. Brambilla, O. Dumitrescu and L. Santana Sánchez.
Slides for this talk are available at:
Visit the Online Algebraic Geometry Seminar webpage at:
7 July 2022
"The geometry of Weyl orbits on blow-ups of projective spaces"
Linear systems of divisors on blow-ups of projective spaces in points in general positions are connected to certain polynomial interpolation problems. While for the case of plane curves and of surfaces in 3-space there are conjectures, although long standing, formulated by M. Nagata, B. Segre and others, in the higher dimensional case we are in the dark. However, when the number of points is not too large and the blow-ups are Mori dream spaces, an action of the Weyl group on cycles of any codimension governs the birational behaviour of the space on the one hand, and the stable base locus of divisors on the other hand, and it yields a solution to the interpolation problem. Joint work with C. Brambilla, O. Dumitrescu and L. Santana Sánchez.
Slides for this talk are available at:
Visit the Online Algebraic Geometry Seminar webpage at: