The Truth About An Inconvenient Truth (Film Review)

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The urge to save humanity is often a convenient disguise for the urge to rule it.


The Inconvenient truth did not suggest anything, it screamed that we are doomed. It was completely wrong and did more damage than anything doing nothing. A balanced presentation of the concerns would have been better received and would have possibly pushed people into thinking about things logically. Hysteria is ignored and we should normally be glad it is ignored.


"If they don't care about their citizens in the short term, why the hell would they care about them in the long term?"


"The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek, not the chance to serve."
- H L Mencken


What irritates and baffles me about the whole climate change thing, and really all of these major environmental issues is that world leaders will gather at a huge summit, toss around a bunch of buzzwords, and "reaffirm their commitment" (one of their favourite lines) to fighting climate change. They then form a neat line, and pose for the camera, as if to say this will be remembered as a historic moment, where the world changed forever. They then return to their respective nations, and get down to the business of doing absolutely fuck all about any of it. Until the next summit, where the cycle repeats.


Sorry Dave you lost a bit of street cred with me I am afraid, calling people who are skeptical of climate change deniers and with all the connotations that implies.

Climate models are not simulating Earth’s climate. When presented appropriately, climate model outputs clearly show that the climate science community still cannot differentiate between human-induced and naturally occurring global warming, and since the early 1980s, surface temperature data clearly and strongly suggest that the surfaces of the global oceans warmed in response to naturally occurring ocean-atmosphere processes, not as a result of greenhouse gas emissions.

How is it possible that “Holocaustic (seeing though we are using the term denier) run-away global warming” can be forced by 400PPM CO2 atmospheric concentrations, when this is amongst the lowest CO2 levels in the planets history? When the CO2 levels were at 8, 000 PPM or higher, why did the planet not “burn up” then?

Normally I like what you say.


The scariest thing you'll ever hear is when someone walks into the room and says "I'm from the government and I'm here to help".


Check out Tony Heller's videos. He sets the record straight and exposes these fraudsters


I don't deny climate change, I just deny the extent of the effect pushed by these studies. It is entirely natural for Earth's climate to fluctuate. I'm not trying to argue that we have NO effect.


I am rather weary of people like Bill Nye who advocate arresting people who deny man-made climate change... which sucks because I use to love his stuff as a kid. While I wouldn't call myself a denier of climate change, all the scandals that come out about it makes it hard to believe.


Whenever someone calls someone else a 'Denier', they're valuing other people's opinions over facts...


About the most balanced, logical & sensible comment on "climate change" I've heard. Unsurprising. It's Dave Cullen after all.


We keep saying that we are damaging the planet and altering the temperature for the worst but are we?

The world getting slightly warmer is better than getting colder. Combined with increased CO2 in the atmosphere, the world is getting greener and crops are producing bigger yeilds.

More people die in the cold than in the warm so personally if having cheap energy which advances all economies and lifts millions out of poverty leads to a small increase in temperature which is something that we can easily adapt to, then I don't see a problem with it.


We are not deniers nor skeptics, we are realists. We look at the facts not the hype.


Gore one of the 5 biggest scam artists of all time.


You should watch the YouTube series conversations that matter. They completely debunk a lot of the stuff that the court ruling was ambivalent in. Several scientists even go so far as to say that the only thing we can accurately determine is the global greening effect that has occurred as a result of increased CO2 levels.


Sorry, I've got to disagree. CO2 is plant food. It's vital for plants, and has been drastically too low. Far from biting us, it may be that we are staying our own execution, that is, unless we foolishly remove the CO2 again.
Instead what we are seeing is a greening of the planet, an increase in crop yields, and a moderation in deaths from natural disasters. (Down 95% from a century ago)


"An Inconvenient Truth" is one of the biggest works of fiction ever perpetrated on humanity.


I am surprised you are not a full skeptic, however, I am happy that you point out the indoctrination being done.


According to the IPCC in their 5th Assessment Report, the observed changes over the last 170 years have been 1C of warming and 340mm (13.4 inches) of sea level rise. Not only is that not extreme or catastrophic, it's not noticeable. In spite of all the hype, there is no evidence of an increase in any form of extreme weather. Injuries and deaths due to weather events have fallen off a cliff. People are safer from climate, live far longer, and are more prosperous than any point in human history. Corn, wheat, rice and other course grain production has increased by about 300% over the last 60 years as a result of CO2 fertilization. India is a now an exporter of wheat, they can't eat all that they produce. When you are driving in your car, after about 20 minutes you are experiencing about 15 times the amount of CO2 that exists in the atmosphere, because every time you exhale your exhaust has about 100 times the amount of CO2 you absorbed when inhaling. You alone add about 800 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere each year simply by breathing. The oceans which cover 70% of the earth, volcanoes, natural fires, decaying plants across the planet, and all breathing animals all continually emit CO2 and that natural source dwarfs what is emitted by global fossil fuel use. From 1940 to 1970, as CO2 levels were rising, the earth was cooling. Scientists at that time believed the earth was entering another ice age. It was warmer 1000, 2000, and 7000 years ago than it is today all during periods of significantly lower levels of CO2. For 35 years the alarmists have been predicting catastrophic change, and the world is still waiting.
