Clean FFXIV UI setup - Hud Tips & Hidden Hotbars

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Finally after a year of playing Final Fantasy XIV Online, I finally feel optimistic and pride in my hud layout. Getting it as minimal as possible for a player that still needs relevant info for leveling and questing. And clean enough to stay unobtrusive when doing content such as dungeons, pvp or raids!
And will be your best friend on your journey through, A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers and Endwalker!

If you are wondering how my job bar works, you can find all the info in my hotbars video here,

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Рекомендации по теме

I just found your channel today and got heavily into FF cause I'm currently playing the free trial, and thinking about upgrading to the complete edition eventually, and now I'm taking the time to watch all your guides to learn more about the game and be ready when the time comes. Your guides are top tier! Thanks so much!


I second the idea of a vid on the macros. Zepla did one a while back on her macros for swapping classes, but she used an entire separate HUD layout for it. I think I am getting to be happy with my current UI layout for healing, so macros are the next thing to tackle before taking the leap into savages.


I just discovered this channel & its content, and I am absolutely loving it! This video in particular has really inspired me to rearrange my UI as my eyesight isn't the best, and your layout seems really centered around quick & easy visibility of important game elements. The video was well-edited, your voiceover work is great, and I felt greatly informed by the end of it!


Thanks for the suggestions! About to complete ARR and looking for ways to improve/optimize my hotbar and UI setups.


Not me looking up a hud set up video bc I wanted to change my hot bars to 3x4 bc I have the exact mouse you had in screen lmaooo
Thanks!! Can’t wait to make some adjustments as I delve into FFXIV for my first real time!!


Thank you for the amazing UI guide! Your video is the most helpful and informative I found so far. Keep up the amazing work. =)


Good shit brother, just the video I needed!


Is there a guide for setting up a hotbar - job specific- for those using mouse and keyboard? SAM/BARD/WHM


Great video! A vid on macros would be helpful:)


i wish i could just import profile and have all of this done instead of doing it manually


How do I unlock the hotbars? I see no unlock button.


I can't find the item help nor action help. Is that something that comes later in the game?


You need to be a little more specific with this collapsible hot bar button explanation .. i have followed your macro and it closes both the hotbars down and i cant make head nor tail of it.. i am also watching your other guide to getting more hotbars and trying to follow along to create the other buttons but you are very vague and im getting very muddled .. would be nice if you did a video separately on how to create these. as well as perhaps just typing the macro in your description so we can just copy and paste
