C Program to Print Hollow Pyramid Triangle Star Pattern | Equilateral Triangle Optimized (July 2019)

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In this video, you will learn about how to write C Program to Print Hollow Pyramid Triangle Star Pattern. Also called as Equilateral Triangle. Interesting example with optimized logic with few lines of code. You will find how to print star pattern for hollow pyramidal looking like hollow triangle with
star on its sides.

_____________________* C Pattern Programs Video List *_____________________

* Square Star Pattern

* Hollow Square Star Pattern

* Pyramid Triangle Star Pattern

* Hollow Pyramid Triangle Star Pattern

* inverted/reverse Pyramid Triangle Star Pattern

* Hollow inverted Pyramid Triangle Star Pattern

* Right Triangle Star Pattern

* Hollow Right Triangle Star Pattern

* Mirror Right Triangle Star Pattern

* Hollow Mirror Right Triangle Star Pattern

* Inverted Right Trianlge Star Pattern

* Hollow inverted right triangle Star Pattern

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Рекомендации по теме

explenation is not good enough to undrestand


can someone convert this program into python?


U made it too typical I have a easiest way to make this pyramid...😎
