The reality of wearing a tight bodycon dress (& being human) 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Leaving this here to gently encourage you:

🌟 Not to let your belly bump stop you from wearing the outfit you really wanna wear!!
🌟 Not to compare your body to someone else’s, a lot of us have grown up tensing & sucking in, instead of just letting our tummies be!
🌟 LET IT OUT! Be the change you wish to see in the world 🥹 I know that if I saw a girl wearing a bodycon dress like this & rocking her relaxed tummy in it, or someone wearing shorts with their cellulite on show, it would make me feel more confident & comfortable to do the same… Which could eventually be a domino effect where it allows someone else to feel comfortable to simply be themselves too.
🌟 Know that having fat on your body (especially your belly) is so normal. It’s something you NEED in order to regulate your hormones, insulate you from the cold & have a healthy functioning body!!
🌟 Your appearance is the LEAST important / interesting thing about you…
🌟 If you don’t feel comfortable wearing something, that’s okay too! Change into something that you’ll feel more confident in. Dressing for YOU is key 🥰
🌟 At the end of the day, who says that having a tummy sticking out isn’t cute anyway? That’s 90’s of us 💅 It’s almost 2023, let’s all make our own beauty standards as diverse & inclusive as possible 🫶

I could go on forever but you get the picture!! I hope this gives you the confidence you deserve the next time you feel like you can’t wear something because of the way your body looks 💗

Find more content like this on my YT, IG & TT 💗

#relatable #bodycon #thisisnormal #bodyimage #bloating #bloated #girls #bellybump #bekindtoyourself #bekindtoyourmind #selfacceptance #bodyacceptance #bodyneutral #bodyneutrality


one time my sister said that she felt ugly in a dress because her stomach didnt look flat and my dad responded "Well your organs gotta go somewhere" and ngl that even made me feel better


My mom told me that I look like a pregnant woman wearing a specific dress and said not to wear it outside. Sometimes close one's does the most harm.


i have a tilted pelvis that gives me a pouch. and it makes me feel so terrible about myself, i get comments on it a lot from family. i really appreciate this post and how it normalizes normal bodies.


Nothing to do with having a flat belly, but me and the guy I work for were talking about wake surfing, and he was going off about his friends daughter, and how tiny she is. Saying she was petite, like 80 lbs. She's 17! Then he looks at me and says "You're probably not as small or petite as when you were in high school". Dude. I was 5'1 and weighed like 90 lbs.
I'm 43. I recently lost about 15 lbs due to stress. I weigh 110 lbs and I'm 5'7". This stupid man made me feel like a fucking heifer the other day. WHY was he comparing my body to a 17 year olds. ???
He's 53 years old and was basically gawking/checking out his friends daughter who is a child.

Sorry I had to get that off my chest. I wish men would just shut the hell up about our bodies sometimes.


I wish we had people being this honest 10 years ago


I needed this. I always feel like im so unnaturally bloated...


i feel like if everyone shut up during my teen years about how fat i was, i would actually be healthy now. but because they kept saying i was so fat, i ate out of depression lmao.


Posture is key. Keeping core muscles strong 💪


to the girl in the video: you literally have my exact body type and i’ve never felt so beautiful, i used to hate seeing that on myself but it looks amazing on you


I remember when a friend told me I was so lucky I had a flat stomach and I was like what? My stomach is round and definitely sticks out. I weigh like 20 lbs more now so it's funny how harshly we judge ourselves in the moment


Yes but also severe constant bloating could be a sign of underlying conditions. Love your body but also get it checked out if it’s severe!


Thank you ❤ I’m also a thin girl and it has been hard to accept my stomach as it is. But the reality is, the only time of day that it will look relatively flat is in the morning before I’ve eaten anything. And that’s okay, stomachs are made to expand for us to eat ❤


When I was around 7 or 8 I was at the beach with family. I had just come out of the water and my grandmother told me I needed to hold in my stomach. I'm now almost 55 years old and that comment has stuck with me and added to my body image issues to this day. I mean, I was a child. Wtf was the purpose of that statement?!


i have a flat belly with abs and getting bloated is absolutely normal. there is a big big difference between the tummy you wake up with to the tummy you go to sleep witb


I’ve been dealing with more of a bloated stomach and the research I have found so far is that it can be caused from certain foods, carbonated drinks, as well as gluten and wheat allergies.


I really hope this is starting a new "influencer" aka actual human trend. Thank you for your content.


"you are normal" is something i needed deeply. thank you


I’ve never seen someone with a tummy like mine. I’m tearing up. Thank you


thanks. i did need to hear that today, actually. im a guy who tries his best to love what he's got, but it's pretty easy to feel insecure. stuff like this really helps, thanks
