GED Math What You Need to Know

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Everything you need to know about the GED Math Test.

You will have 115 minutes to complete the math portion of the GED.

The testing center will give you a dry erase board, a marker and an eraser to use as"scratch paper" during the exam. if you need a replacement board or marker, you may ask for one during the test.

You will take the exam on a computer.

To pass the math portion of the GED, you will need a minimum score of 150 points.

There are approximately 46 questions in the math portion.

These first 5 questions are designed to measure your mental math abilities. You will NOT be able to access the calculator during these first 5 questions.

You may take up to 12 minutes to answer the first 5 calculator-free questions. Once you have moved past the calculator free questions, you may not go back to them.

For the rest of the test, you can use the calculator on the computer.
The calculator is an online version of the Texas Instruments TI-30XS MultiView Scientific Calculator. To use the calculator during the test, just click on the calculator icon. To use the calculator during the test, just click on the calculator icon. If you forget how to use the calculator, click on the icon that reads calculator reference sheet it will show you basic functions.

You will also have a formal sheet to use during the test.

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I love the charisma this video contains, it’s really a nice on. I saw other recommendations through the YouTube comment sessions tho which made me reach out to stray, and thanks to that encounter I now got a GED of my own…


You didn’t even tell us the content on the math test. We already knew everything you just said


I recently presented math and socials test. Well, I did not past them. I feel that I made those well. but ohhh surprise was not. I just needed 7 points and another 10. Now, I want to present those again, but I want to make sure, If I have to write a short answer and how many paragraphs is composed the short answer.? I have seen a lot of material, but some is not update, and another we have to buy the material. Honestly, I don´t have the money, either I buy material or I pay for the test. Do somebody that have read all this material have passed the test?.


Do they still give you formula sheets? 2015/2016


Do you know what kind of math problems will be on the test?


You need to get 40% of the questions right on the math 40% of 46 is 18.4 that's how many you need to get right to get a passing score but try to aim for half right which is 23


In my GED exams (such as the science)  they didn't give me any eraser. I was so mad and the markers were hard to erase because they would smear. It was so stressful. I haven't taken the math yet, but I fear that will effect my test score. This video was helpful. Thank you. 


what ever happened to pen and paper. ...


Sike, my math portion is 155 minutes (2:35)


Take dice roll them add em addition subtraction multiplication and wright it down do it as fast as you can and play games like yahtzee and eat good and just keep studying tricks compliments multiples I'm 18 I never really ever stayed in school or cared kind left school in 4th grade basically and if I can learn you can!! job corps would be a great option you get hands on training for a trade free plc to live meal free health check ups no weed have to be clean and have to apply yourself and listen


what ever happened to pen and paper. ...
