Is it a good idea to copy portfolios of investors like Warren Buffett or Rakesh Jhunjhunwala?

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#RakeshJhunjhunwala #WarrenBuffett #VivekBajaj #Stockedge #copycatinvesting #RakeshJhunjhunwalaportfolio #WarrenBuffettportfolio
Ever thought of replicating ace investors' portfolios? Will it not much easier if you just copied the investment ideas, stocks of most successful investors like Warren Buffett or Rakesh Jhunjhunwala given the success they achieve by picking the right stocks for their portfolios? This strategy is also known as copycat investing or coattail investing but is copycat investing even a viable investment strategy? Watch Sakshi Batra discuss the pros and cons of copycat investing with Vivek Bajaj, Co-Founder, StockEdge in this video.

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Great insight. thanks Sakshi for doing this interview


You rightly said every body has its own capital and risk appetite on very low losses I shall get out of trade in which you will be in trade say upto 15 to 20 percent


Vivek sir... thank you for the knowledge


Sakshi jee very happy to see you again. Why you eloped yourself so long??? I searched every here and there but every effort results in vain. Please tell me mam??


Vivek Sir.
Pl disclose the list 10 mother's stocks


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