| THE HANDSHAKE ERA | It's consequences [Part 2]

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Earlier this week Kenya marked the third anniversary of the handshake between President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga that took place in 2018 on the steps Of Harambee House. The handshake has since transformed into the building bridges initiative (BBI) which then went on to propose landmark constitutional changes. Three years later details around that handshake moment remains a mystery and tonight on this Citizen TV special report, Waihiga Mwaura speaks to key players on both sides, in an attempt to fill in the blanks around that famous handshake. Here is the ‘the handshake era #TheHandshakeEra​ #BBI #DPRuto
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Someone Once Told Me, Kenya Is The USA of Africa. Kenya Was and Is The Land Of Opportunities but In the last 6, 7 years I don't Know Where We are Heading. Mayouth Let's Not Wait Hawa Ma politicians Watujenge Hii Country, Kenya Is Our Mother and We have The Responsibility To Protect Our Mother. Kujeni Mbele Tunjenge Hii NCHI.


Handshake brought peace which benefited the common man more that who was to be president, since these politicians is just talk


The manner in which William Ruto is not mentioned in this segment is revealing, it's wanting, it's petty....


For me I dont care about the handshake all i care about is the elite Rao include trying to mutilate the constitution to benefit a few that I have a problem with. Life was difficult during Mzees and Moi's time why because the katiba then allowed them to rule the country with an iron fist, the prezo had powers to detain anyone without trial, had power to appoint and fire judges at will and therefore the judges had to sing the president's song or like they call it tore the line, the president had the powers to appoint the police commissioner and also to fire him at will therefore the police did as the prezo wished and therefore 2010 katiba put an end to all that but we are slowly heading back to the evil days through BBI and thats why i have a problem with this handshake. When you see BBI being shoveled though pple's throughts the you and me has to start getting worried.


But still raila failed us, we belived in him to take us to the promise land cannan ...uhuru worn this battle because after he was elected he could now face and talk to raila ... This has to be a good deal for us mwananchi


It had negatively affected the country


Citizen you are out of things to show kenyan and anyone who doesn't know about handshake ni mtoto wa juzi, can you people style up please
