Islamophobia vs. anti-muslim bigotry

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The Quran itself unfortunately doesn't only criticize other believe systems but it strongly criticizes unbelievers. Hence, Abdullah is too gracious wrt the Quran.


Imagine someone having an irrational fear of people that claim I should die because I don't believe. How foolish can anyone be to fear someone threatening their life.


If I bring up any facts in the hadiths OR Quran my ex gets offensive and angry.... He just can't handle it 🤷🏼


I have been agoraphobic for most of my life. Does that mean I am a bigot about going outside? Ridiculous. I really resent the way the word phobia has been hijacked by those who are too ignorant or too lazy to understand what it means.


Totally agree. This horrible term Islamophobia is confusing and should be banned. As you said anti Muslim bigotry is saying for instance "all Muslims are terrorists". Saying that some interpretations of Islam promotes terrorism is acceptable. A dramatic simplification would that Islam promotes terrorism. Which is not entirely false. These are all opinions. Targeting people is different. When I was a kid we learned that communists ate children and gipsies stole children. Although nobody ever claimed communistophobia or gypsophobia issues. And probably there was ground for both. Unfortunately Islamophobia is arbitrarly extended to critics and mocking of Islam which is totally acceptable


This is like saying "It shouldn't be called 'racism' because that term is often misused. It should be called 'race based bigotry".
This isn't how language works. You understand based on context, just like any other label, if used appropriately or misused.


A phobia is not criticism. It is possible to lump believers as well as their beliefs together. Muslims by definition are followers of Islam. It is not possible to be bigoted against Muslims without having irrational ideas about their belief systems.


To the extent that a muslim person defines him/herself most closely to the dictates of Islam, then it is surely not bigoted to be in opposition to that person. How can we not be opposed to those who regard non-believers as worthy only of slavery or death, at least if the Koran and the hadiths are their guide?


Everyone has their own personal ‘god head’ even atheists do too. We all have to conclude with ourselves what the concept of god means and for each of us trying to define it have our own comprehension of it.


Because a lot of far right ideologies are very close to islamism (being traditionalistic, conservative, deeply religious etc.) I think you should call those out a few times here and there. Such that far right people can't even pretend that you're on their side. Calling them and their views out helps in that.
That's also the reason why islamism (especially combined with nationalism) is part of right wing ideology as well.


Critical of Islam and scared of Muslims - is that OK?


The term used is picked up from Marxists playbook. Play with words to play victim / oppressed.


What about muslim like Ali Dawah who believe that apostates should be punished under islamic law ??! What about muslim who were celebrating the beheading of French cartoonist ??

I don't see anything wrong with being anti-muslim if it is toward muslim like Ali Dawah (not saying all muslim like him). Just like not wrong with being anti-white supremacy because these belief are discriminatory to others.


But it should be understood that when ever Islam is being criticized, automatically Muslims are also being criticized. If a belief is targeted then it, s followers are also being targeted. Islam is a terrorist cult which stands today because of it, s followers. So it makes no sense saying that Muslims should not be criticized while criticizing Islam. It is like saying that Taliban or ISIS should be criticized but the members of Taliban or ISIS should not be criticized.
