Super easy Gradient Wipe / Luma Fade transition on Premiere Pro

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Gradient wipe / luma fade transition! Easy to learn & a nice skill to have in your editing toolbox.
Even though it doesn't fit most of my editing style, it's good to know, because a lot of clients want some flashy stuff these days.
Day 10 done! 1/3 of the way through the 30 day 30 tutorial #teach2learnchallenge. Want to see a tutorial? Holla at me and I'll get back to you with a video the next day.
Even though it doesn't fit most of my editing style, it's good to know, because a lot of clients want some flashy stuff these days.
Day 10 done! 1/3 of the way through the 30 day 30 tutorial #teach2learnchallenge. Want to see a tutorial? Holla at me and I'll get back to you with a video the next day.