Glory Whales of Yesteryear Orca Month 2023 Storytelling Session

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Hi This is great.... Thank you so much Howie


I love hearing about the Southern Residents. They are incredible.


Thanks for pulling this together & for sharing … I didn't have Steffan's stamina to watch live (& I need my beauty sleep), so getting to see the recording was great. So many fantastic memories were brought to mind. I just hope I get back out to SJI to make more.
Once a quarter would be great, or twice a year (a nice Orca Month/Christmas event?) if the organisation is too daunting.


These stories are incredible! What a treasure. Thank you.


I appreciated having a combined effort with Center for Whale Research, and it was a pleasure to see all the people. Lots of emotions about their stories and lovable whales! Dave Ellifrit's memories and photos helped me 'meet' some past whales, and I particularly learn from his perceptions about their bodies. Their sheer mass is amazing. I think back to when Mike Bigg started the research and used the male dorsal fins to identify pods. He even retrospectively identified which pod had been in a particular capture, for example L8 Moclips with his notch had been photographed in Penn Cove in both 1970 and 1971. I like to think Mike would be happy with Orca Network's 'spotting network' and all the time and photography the people devote to the whales.
