PART 1 ONLY ONE THING MATTERS #shorts #jesus #holyspirit #bible #yeshua #love #kjv #god #vision

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#shorts #shortsvideo #jesus #bible #christ #jesuschrist #god #holyspirit #scriptures #kjv #salvation #yeshua #wordofgod #gospel #nde #lifeafterdeath #heaven #hell #godslove #devil #satan #lucifer #demon #demons #spirits #spirit #ghost #ghosts #dreams #visions #vision #dream #revelation #revelations #endtimes
People are always concerned about the things of this temporary life in the flesh, but there is only one thing that really matters and that is what spirit you are of.
In the beginning was the SPIRIT and the SPIRIT was with GOD and the SPIRIT was GOD. And the SPIRIT became flesh and dwelt among men.
The Gospel is simple, repent from living after the flesh, ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit and then be led and controlled by Him through the Spirit.
The bible is history and has absolutely no authority from God over us under the New Covenant, the outward law was under the old covenant.
Jesus died to redeem us from the curse of the written law because we were unable to keep it due to the weakness of the flesh.
The New Covenant is not written with ink nor on tablets of stone, it is written in our heart by the Spirit of the Living God.
The bible is the mark of the beast, not because it is not true, but because the devil had it compiled and authorized to deceive us into THINKING we were saved by claiming scriptures without ever really coming to Christ with our hearts being filled with the Holy Spirit and being regenerated so that we can KNOW JESUS and not just know ABOUT HIM.
Have a great journey through life with the Living Christ guiding you.
The Holy Spirit is the gift and promise of God to us.
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Great Video and Truths :) Thank You Diana for Sharing, and Have a Blessed Day in Christ....PEACE AND LOVE IN YESHUA :)


Amen, Sister Diana. 💝💖👉🕊🕊👍🙌🙌🦋🦋

I am the only one here who is the Temple of God and the Spirit of God in the heart, the Spirit of the Living God who continues to guide us, not the book.
Only the spirit is one, the Holy Spirit is a real Christian, not the flesh, not the Bible, not religion, not churches and other people do not worship the name of the image.
The Bible is an idol, not the word of God.
The Holy Spirit is the Word of God.
The Spirit is the Truth, Power, and Holiness that we, the children of the Spirit of God, have conquered forever. This voice will be heard again on earth and in heaven. The Holy Spirit has spoken the truth, the Bible is an idol, the Bible is in the hands of a man, and the name of the mark of the beast is inscribed on his head 666. The Bible is a fake and a lie.
We Christians are governed by the Living God, and we walk and talk with Him, there is freedom in the Spirit, the Spirit is Truth, there is Holiness, there is the Love of God, there is Peace, there is Life.
The Bible is a dead letter, and with it the name "death".
Peace and love are the Voice of Yeshua.

Аминь, сестра Диана. 💝💖👉🕊🕊👍🙌🙌🦋🦋

Я здесь единственная, кто является Храмом Божьим и Духом Божьим в сердце, Духом Живого Бога, который продолжает руководить нами, а не книгой.
Только дух един, Святой Дух - это настоящий христианин, а не плоть, не Библия, не религия, не церкви и другие люди не поклоняются названию изображения.
Библия - это идол, а не слово Божье.
Святой Дух - это Слово Божье.
Дух - это Истина, Сила и Святость, которые мы, дети Духа Божьего, завоевали навсегда. Этот голос снова будет слышен на земле и на небесах. Святой Дух изрек истину, Библия - это идол, Библия находится в руках человека, а на голове начертано имя начертания зверя 666. Библия - подделка и ложь.
Нами, христианами, управляет Живой Бог, и мы ходим и разговариваем с Ним, в Духе есть свобода, Дух есть Истина, есть Святость, есть Любовь Божья, есть Мир, есть Жизнь.
Библия - это мертвая буква, а вместе с ней и название "смерть".
Мир и любовь - это Голос Йешуа.
