Raising for issues farmers and marts trying to operate under Level 5 restrictions.

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Cork TD Holly Cairns, Social Democrats spokesperson for Agriculture, raised the issues farmers and marts trying to operate under Level 5 restrictions.

“One of the good things to emerge from the pandemic was the acknowledgement that farmers are essential workers. The provision of locally produced food supplies needs to be prioritises and balanced with public health measures. The current restrictions are causing considerable disruption for marts, one of the few areas of sector farmers have control over.

“Speaking at a late sitting of the Dáil, I raised this matter with the Minister for Agriculture and asked him to work with stakeholders to put in place a viable solution.

But it simply isn’t feasible to expect farmers to go online instead of to the mart when this an essential part of essential work and there simply isn’t broadband on so many farms. We understand and agree that public health is the priority, no one is disputing that.

But given that farmers have to attend marts and simply can’t do that online in many cases we’re asking that steps be taken to ensure that marts can reopen safely.

Government's own Broadband Plan identifies that 40% of marts across the country have poor broadband services which require upgrading.
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