HTML vs DOM? Let’s debug them #DevToolsTips
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What is HTML? What is the DOM tree? Let's demystify them and learn how to debug them with DevTools.
0:00 Intro
0:15 What is HTML
0:25 What is DOM
0:43 HTML vs DOM
1:11 Manipulate the DOM with JavaScript
1:33 Inspect the DOM
2:09 Locate DOM node quicker
2:27 Use $0 to console log a DOM node
3:03 Edit the DOM
4:09 Drag and drop the DOm node
4:15 Take a node screenshot
4:22 Persist changes with workspace
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0:00 Intro
0:15 What is HTML
0:25 What is DOM
0:43 HTML vs DOM
1:11 Manipulate the DOM with JavaScript
1:33 Inspect the DOM
2:09 Locate DOM node quicker
2:27 Use $0 to console log a DOM node
3:03 Edit the DOM
4:09 Drag and drop the DOm node
4:15 Take a node screenshot
4:22 Persist changes with workspace
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HTML vs DOM? Let’s debug them #DevToolsTips
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