Java Generics Explained: Classes, Methods, Interfaces, Enums, & Exceptions | Full Tutorial

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🟢 Description: Master Java Generics in this comprehensive tutorial! Learn how to use generics in classes, methods, interfaces, and handle exceptions effectively. We'll break down complex topics like bounded types, wildcards, and enum usage, making generics easy to understand even if you're a beginner. Whether you're coding for better type safety or enhancing your collections framework knowledge, this video covers everything you need to know to apply generics in real-world Java applications. Stay till the end for coding best practices and tips!
🟢 Timestamps
00:00 Intro
00:55 Why Generics
10:31 Generic class
18:56 Generic Interface
21:18 Bounded Type Parameters
28:20 Generics in Enum
29:45 Generics Constructor
31:52 Generic Method
37:42 Wildcards in Generics
48:39 Type Erasure
52:06 Generic in Exceptions
Java Generics Explained: Classes, Methods, Interfaces, Enums, & Exceptions | Full Tutorial
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