Functoriality in Sheaves of Modules and Quasi-Coherent/Coherent Sheaves

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We talk about exact sequence of modules, localisation being an exact functor, and end with Description of Quasicoherent and Coherent sheaves
Ref: Daniel Perrin, Algebraic Geometry
Ref: Daniel Perrin, Algebraic Geometry
Functoriality in Sheaves of Modules and Quasi-Coherent/Coherent Sheaves
Sheaves of Modules
18.1 Sheaves of modules (Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry)
Sheaves of Modules, video 1
18.3 Quasi-coherent sheaves (Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry)
Modules as sheaves
Sheel Ganatra: Functoriality and sheaf property for wrapped Fukaya categories
Schemes 27: Quasicoherent sheaves
Lecture 1.2: D-modules and quasi-coherent sheaves on prestacks (N. Rozenblyum)
Constructible Sheaves and Filtered D-modules
Niels Feld | Milnor-Witt sheaves and modules
Schemes 31: Coherent sheaves
Quasi-coherent sheaves, video 1
Paul-André Melliès - A Functorial Excursion between Algebraic Geometry and Linear Logic
Schemes 28: Examples of quasicoherent sheaves
Euler Char of a sheaf
Smith theory and Langlands functoriality - Tony Feng
Sheaves/Presheaves as Contravariant Functors, Kernel Presheaf is a Sheaf
sheaf of modules and more on immersion
Functoriality of the tensor product
Ideal Sheaf
Invertible sheaves of rational functions
Maxim Jeffs - Functoriality for Fukaya categories of very affine hypersurfaces
Who Gives a Sheaf? Part 1: A First Example