AutoCAD 2016 Viewports - A How To Guide

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AutoCAD 2016 Viewports - A How To Guide
Instructor: Dzan Ta

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I respect these guys who are just staright forward into the point!


excellent bro just the thing I was looking for. You life saver lol


Thanks bro. I'm taking this course at a technology center and this is the only way I can learn without falling asleep. Plotting and layouts are dreadfully boring to read about.


I like that you told where you are from...Smyrna GA. Makes things more personable sorta across the internet. Or maybe I'm just saying that because I'm from Marietta, GA.


Not sure if i missed it in the video, but you may have forgotten to tell people to double click inside the vport to zoom in and out.


So very easy and to the point! THANK YOU!!!


Thank you Sawn, I like this very quick and easy guide to Autocad fuctionalities...!


hello, nice video can you please explain how did u make the frame of dwg information inside layout and not showing in model


great video.
i loved how to the point you were, allowing me to learn more in less time.


Thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for. Do you know if it is possible to show different dimensions per view port? I have a 3d model of a sofa and I need to show dimensions in plan, front and side elevation. Thanks again!


Excellent one! here, In previous AutoCAD Architecture Version I can draw above the viewport on paper space, now I can't do that... is there any setting or command to draw on top of that viewport? like what I am doing before, after finished with my 3d, on paper space I need to put some label, materials and other. It shows only the portion of outside viewport.


Good job. Question for you: Right click does not bring me to Properties. Tried everything I can think of. What am I doing wrong?


You never mentioned how to get into the viewport, for example if you wanted to zoom window or move the position of my drawing inside the viewport. When i double click on the viewport it opens a black screen and i have to shut this screen down and click back on the layout tab to get back to the now open viewport.
How do i simply open the viewport in the layout without getting this additional screen/view/window pop up?


Hey.. for some reason I cannot use the options on the layout menu can you suggest me how to use them


Please how did you create this template?


Do you know how to align multiple viewports on multiple layouts? If you have multi story and you want the floors to print in the exact same place in each layout?


The video must be good since I see a lot of positive feedback, but I could not follow the steps in the video because the subscription banner keeps blocking the view of the commands so it didn't work for me


what scale does the ( standard scale list ) equate to for example does 5.1 = 1;200 on a ruler?


Yeah I'm using world coordinates system and the state plane is off on my cad file and I have the correct coordinates to move it to. But how can I move all of the viewports with it also.
I normally just unlock it and move it. But that would be a pain considering there is several viewports. Someone on a forum was saying something about dash p. I'm not sure what that is or how to use it.
I honestly wish the viewports would show up as objects in model space, so I can just move it with the cad file.  Or I wish they had a way to leave the drawing and viewports where they are and just move the world coordinate system to a different location.
If you have any ideas, I'd really appreciate any advice
