Tolerance is a dirty word | Andrew Sayer | TEDxSemesterAtSea

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This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Andrew Sayer, a senior at Providence College, presented his provocatively titled speech, “Tolerance is a Dirty Word.” He noted, “Saying I tolerate you means that it’s okay you exist.” Laws that prohibit slavery, give women the right to vote and gays the right to marry “widen the definition of who is to be tolerated,” said Andrew.

Instead of focusing on “tolerating” differences, Andrew explained we must “shift from tolerance to acceptance,” which he suggested should start in the schools with an educational policy that stresses acceptance of all cultures, religions, sexual identity and race. “A global community will not come when all people are the same, but instead, when we fully accept and celebrate everyone’s meaningful differences.”

Andrew Sayer is originally from San Diego, California, but he is a now a senior at Providence College in Providence, Rhode Island, where he is a quadruple major in Political Science, American Studies, History, and Social Sciences. Wait, there’s more: He’s also double minor in Economics and Public Administration. Andrew’s TEDx Talk covers “tolerance vs. acceptance” and reframing the conversation in America through education policy. Andrew is a firm believer that our generation can change through education. When this ambitious TEDx speaker was asked what he wants to do after college, he very honestly and unhesitatingly replied, “Be the President of the United States of America.”

About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
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Flawed logic. Some actions based on beliefs cannot be accepted. Tolerance accepts the person but not the beliefs or the actions.


I don't actually think there was an audience sitting there listening to him.


It would be good to define tolerance and acceptance so we know what we are talking about.


Before watching I’m going to say “duuuh!”
It’s basically an insult. Laws against violence force people to tolerate one another. You only tolerate things that you don’t like and can’t do away with. I will tolerate you literally means “I’d prefer if you were never born but that’s not an option so I’ll just keep my composure until you go away.” We don’t need to remove words from the English vocabulary because they must be used to convey emotion and intentions. If you get rid of tolerate people will simply use phrases like “put up with” or “allow” or even replace the word. I think you should just tolerate it like everyone has to tolerate everything and everybody else. Getting rid of tolerance i asume you want to get rid of that mindset but you can’t make people do more than tolerate others. It’s an actual emotional mindset so it doesn’t make sense to call it a problem just because we gave it a name. You can’t force acceptance. People have to decide that for themselves and if they don’t want to then all you will get is tolerance.

Accepting culture is different from accepting individual behavior. Culture is a set of code of conduct. Individual behavior need not be.

The speaker cleverly evaded this view. Accepting different culture is necessary. Acceptance based on individual behavior is not necessary but possibly tolerance is okay there.


Love your Neighbor as Yourself>tolerance


Idealistic, but goes against human nature.  You can't have an entire country that accepts everything about everyone.  That would require you to force someone else to go against their belief, religion, values, or what they feel is right or wrong.  Even God doesn't make us love Him, or "accept" Him; He gives us all the FREEDOM OF CHOICE.  Unfortunately that may mean someone doesn't believe in Him, doesn't like Him, maybe even hates the very thought of HIm.  That's just an example; the point is you can't control others, especially how they feel about something.  Sometimes we can't even help how we feel about specific things.  However, of course we should all treat each other with respect, but acceptance, no.


Aho, little brother. I like to use the example a friend once used, "If you opened an invitation to my birthday that read.. 'Dominique would tolerate your presence at her birthday' .. would you want to attend?"

Thank you for this beautiful talk. I have confidence in the Millennials.


Great job, Andrew!! You are so poised and confident!!  We are very proud of you and who you have become!!


My tolerence level to the harsh situations is not the lowest.


He's just saying the way government uses tolerance as a tool for control is flawed and degrading. That there shouldn't even be a "tolerance" dictated by law in the first place, we're all equal beings on the planet to begin with.


Great job Andrew....the Aguirre-Gilberts are proud of you....perhaps you can play a big role in bringing together a very divided country.


"Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions." - G.K. Chesterton


I was first confused by the title because in french tolerance means acceptance.


So does this mean that pain tolerance is gone too? That sounds like an excruciating future considering the only way you can force people to do more than tolerate is by living in a totalitarian system that forces behavior on people. That’s sick dude. Making people tolerate something for example, women voting, causes a society to build tolerance until it becomes and accepted part of society and now in the 21st century it’s common place for women to vote and it embraced for all people to do so. Tolerance just means it takes time to make societal changes and that means you have to be patient if you want to be a leader and mediator. Your mindset is the wrong one. People don’t need to be made to accept things. They just need time to accept change. If you think it’s taking too long then that’s just a weakness and impatience on your part and impatience is actually the opposite of tolerance which just so happens to be a bad thing.

The tolerance level of other men and women are not the worst.


Tolerance is not equal to freedom to accept and not to accept, it insidiously compels you to unconditionally accept some and to reject others without question!. It's a sweetie with a poison centre


Something is definitely amiss with tolerance - those who tend to lecture us about tolerance appear to be the most intolerant of all.


tolerance is not a good thing i mean if i was tolerant i would smoke weed which is bad for my health but if im intolerant i wont smoke weed
Commented on The Paradox Of Intolerance


We must ACCEPT each other with tolerance
