Recon cat comes in with the livestock guardian dogs moments before coyotes start👀🚨
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Recon cat comes over to investigate strange noises in closed off areas of the barn
Recon cat comes in with the livestock guardian dogs moments before coyotes start👀🚨
Recon cat alerts all three guardian dogs…
Recon cat leads a silent operation 🐈⬛
Recon cat alerts our livestock guardian dog to a strange disturbance at the pond
Recon cat reporting to HQ…
Recon cat alerts Lily our livestock guardian dog to new intelligence. (One this day 6/20/2022)
Recon cat has a very special set of skills… #livestockguardiandog
Recon cat comes in to supervise border collie June herding
Recon cat training compilation-all four puppies👀🥊 Livestock guardian dog Judge & border collies....
When recon cat gives orders to the livestock guardian dogs for the ultimate cover they listen..
It’s showtime when recon cat shows up at dusk with the LGD #livestockguardiandog
Judge and recon cat are on a mission… #livestockguardiandog
Recon cat origin story..the day she was dumped on the ranch
What do the LGD and recon cat think about a feral cat near the fence…
Recon cat gives Judge a promotion! #livestockguardiandog
When recon cat arrives to clear the pasture with the livestock guardian dogs it’s serious
Recon cat emerges for the longest night of the year 🌙#livestockguardiandog
Recon cat has got Lily’s six
“A coyote is gonna get your farm cat” not recon cat and her livestock guardian dog crew
Recon cat will not be moved by the border collie herding eye
Recon cat and Judge are on the move…👀 #livestockguardiandog #anatolianshepherd
Recon cat with her protégé Judge starting night ops. #livestockguardiandog
Recon cat shows up to oversee the livestock guardian dogs. Judge wants to be employee of the month😂...