Destiny 2: How to Get The STILL HUNT Exotic Sniper! - Final Shape DLC

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Showcasing how to complete the Wild Card Exotic Quest to get the new Still Hunt Exotic Sniper Rifle in Destiny 2: The Final Shape DLC! This could be one of the Best DPS Exotics in the game!

New #destiny2 video, going over the new exotic quest, Wild Card, and how to get the Still Hunt exotic Sniper!
The new Destiny 2: Final Shape DLC is here! It provides a new campaign, new weapons, new exotic quests, and so much more! We also have a New Final Shape Raid, as well as New Subclasses! The Prismatic Titan, Prismatic Hunter, and Prismatic Warlock! Play these within the new Pale Heart Destination! We have a New Titan Super, and Prismatic Titan Build Possibilities, the New Hunter Super, and Prismatic Hunter Build Possibilities, and New Warlock Super, and Prismatic Warlock Build Possibilities in the Final Shape! We're also looking at the new final shape Hunter Exotics, Warlock Exotics, and Titan Exotics!
But Today we're showcasing how to get the Still Hunt Exotic Sniper Rifle in Destiny 2: The Final Shape!
#Destiny2News #destiny2thefinalshape
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So um... how did your Launch Day go lol?


The act of the guardian sleeping is something I never thought I would see or hear of


Just do the campaign quest guys, that’s all. No 7 minute monologue required.


I was able to finish thr campaign with a friend-granted I wasn't able to access the game until like 11 and didn't finish till 3am but excellent campaign. Can't wait to get this out the way lmaoo


Thank you so much bro!
the "go back" death timer part had me so confused lmao and the quest step was so vague on what to do next other than "draw the megashank out" didnt once specify to shoot the shanks outside the cave.


I stayed with Kackis stream from launch till midnight. How he and Elete was able to stay up beyond that to continue to play is beyond me. Then he was able to crank out two videos for us. Give them some love today and subscribe.


"Currant" is buzzing in my head


thanks man., great guide. love a quest that feels like mere mortals can complete. your guide gave me the clues i needed. good luck tomorow.


as a hunter main, the story in the wildcard quest was super emotional. seeing cayde back, seeing crow grow, seeing the mantel being passed. Holy


We appreciate you for the uploads hopefully you can get some sleep


The whole camping and grinding idea for this specific weapon makes me feel like I'm a Hunter on World of Warcraft grinding for an Artifact weapon during the Legion expac days and I'm _all for it!_ Also funnily enough, I main Hunter on WoW as well 😅


Always come with the good stuff. It cracks me up because your comments made it sound like you haven't got to play the final shape at all.


Just finished. Cutscene with Cayde and Crow was decent. The duo we needed, ace of spades side by side with Hawkmoon


Oh… I didn’t know I had this done. It was so quick but hopped off yesterday before returning to Cayde


Thanks for the help w/this stuff Kackis. Praying that the raid day doesn't have the server issues that the launch did. 😣🙏🏼 Not to mention, the Vow of the Disciple raid was PLAGUED with server issues as well. Bungie can't afford for that to happen again. They've got all eyes on them right now. Not only re: the story content & gameplay... but general overall health of the game too. Folks who don't even play the game still check out the World's First raid contest, so... they MUST make a good impression! But besides that, the raid racers deserve to have a smooth run too. Hoping that all goes well.


Pretty neat quest there, i would like a test to see how this gun performs now kackis, !! but you can sleep before you do it tho...


Destiny is the only game where you can put your super into a gun 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love this game man, I told my roommate this and he couldn’t believe it “I can use GG on any class? Epic.” We can also equip two swords. If you guys aren’t in the postgame yet, get there ASAP


Just want to say I appreciate all the videos that you've put up till now I took just about every advice that you've had unfortunately I am at the lowest point jobless no vehicle definitely afford final shape so I won't probably be watching vids for a long time just wanted to say I appreciate it for everything


DLC was on sale for 25 dollars so I’m enjoying this dlc actually


Thank you. Hopefully today I can get more than 30 minutes of concurrent play time to attempt this.
