MINIMALISM MISTAKES: 'Someday' never comes

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"I MIGHT USE THIS SOMEDAY." One of the top excuses we make when decluttering and how to avoid it when pursuing minimalism. Is it a mistake to keep something that sparks joy even if it isn't necessary? How can we deal with the guilt of wasting a perfectly useful item? What if after discarding the item, we later feel regret? What does a minimalist believe about true waste?

If we don't want clutter piling up, we need to draw the line somewhere. In this video, we share some key quotes from Nagisa Tatsumi's book, The Art of Discarding. It is the same book that inspired Marie Kondo to create her KonMari method.

How can you avoid making the "sometime" excuse? It is often an unconscious habit and we often don't realize that it is happening, until we first become aware of it. By becoming conscious of this habit, we can be more mindful and intentional with our possessions going forward and finally bid farewell to those nagging items that have been weighing on us for years.

Don't forget to check out part 2 of this series!

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Can't wait to continue the conversation with you guys here! Do you agree that "someday" never comes? What kind of item was it for you? Also, what about other types of mistakes we make as minimalists? I have a few other ideas in mind, so let me know if you would be interested in more videos like this =)


Personally I’ve also regretted a few items I’ve gotten rid of. But what personally helps me is that in the end, when we pass on, we take nothing with us soo I find myself looking at my stuff as “not really as important as I think” and that really helps with decluttering and when I’ve “regretted” items that are gone ☺️🌼


I cut a tiny scrap of my mums vintage floral dress and framed it in a $6 frame and threw away the rest. Now I still have a daily reminder of 'that dress' my mum used to wear. Means more to me now and makes me smile when I see it (no longer in a box) sister even commented on how clever that was.


I like how you use specific items in your house that you struggled with and your thoughts / processes of discarding not just vaguely telling us how you struggle with 'items'. Much appreciated !


I recently picked up a hobby that I haven’t done in almost 5 years. I had already decluttered many of the supplies and tools and it would have been so nice to have the supplies around but none of those things is irreplaceable. It’s forcing me to be much more intentional about the supplies I buy now. If I’m going to repurchase something, I’m going to make sure I really need it and can’t make do without it. I still have a lot of photos of old projects I’d made and then decluttered and I find myself more excited to make new things rather than sad that I no longer have my old projects.


I still have my prom dress. I've tried to sell it and almost donated it twice, but chickened out at the last moment. Working on that one.
One thing I did regret getting rid of was my bike from college. The wheel got bent. So I trashed it before a move. I wish I would have taken the time to buy a new wheel. I ended up buying a new bike that I don't enjoy as much as my old one.
But honestly, I've gotten rid of A TON of stuff over the years, and I can only think of a few things I regret. I would much rather have a clutter free house than to keep it all so I will not regret getting rid of anything.


Loved the “actual thoughts” 😄
Reminds me of the ski pants I bought when I was 16, used twice, but held on to until I was at least 35. There was nothing wrong with them, after all 😂


Hi; I’ve given away or sold for nearly nothing many many family heirlooms that weren’t so beautiful when I was a young woman ; but I realize their value now. Also beautiful turquoise and dark blue glass vases, bottle etc that I used in my windowsills for rooting plants: I only wanted to use clear. Now I wish I still had them, but in the same respect seem to have gotten through life anyway 😊! I’m still decluttering and trying to be a minimalist, but being a little more thoughtful and intentional about it.


Maybe it's too late but you could turn that table runner in dish towels and/ or a small topper or placemats .


I love that you included your “actual thoughts”! Something that is missing from most videos.


1. Ohmygosh thank you for sharing your actual thoughts!! I feel like I'm not crazy now.
2. I gave away my "someday" baby items and at the time it really hurt. BUT they went to a foster mom that really needed them. Other item regrets, I don't even remember what they were any more.
3. The "someday" baby items that were in storage got damaged and had to be tossed. The ones in the closet got damaged and had to be tossed. So I was very glad I let go of the big things.
When I did finally get pregnant again after 8 years, styles and trends had changed so much! All those things I really wanted but couldn't afford were now common and easy to get. I'm keeping the most sentimental items (like coming home outfit, first shoes they walked in) and passing along almost everything else! It's very gratifying.


These are great tips. And one thing I've found for myself is never to give that item you've decided to discard a 'goodbye look.' Get rid of it before second thoughts and doubts can sneak in, and don't look back.


sO true that one day the things you hold sacred will be trash. I feel that someone's trash is another's treasure, so I prefer to get things I need secondhand when possible. The book sounds great! Thanks for this thoughtful video. As a fellow sentimental person, so I have one reusable gift box with my keepsakes.


This was fantastic! I think I still have my prom dress at my parent's house 😂 I'm gonna go look for it today! And then donate it!


If I had followed this advice my life would have been worse. We aren't static people, we evolve and change, and that can lead us to find new meaning in old things we never used. I can think of more than a few times that I've held onto things I didn't use and was later glad I did.


The table runner can be cut shorter even made into place mats ☺️


I have 3 categories right off the top of my head. 1. clothing that I keep for when I lose the extra weight I've put on...when I revisited the items years later, they were not in as good a quality as I thought and they were no longer in style anyway 2. good quality makeup that is really nice and was given to me but it wasn't exactly my shade or my taste, but it's REALLY NICE and I might like it one day...years later, not only is it STILL not my shade or my taste, but now it's expired 3. Plastic to-go containers/tupperware...I think of all of the types of food that I could store in them, while constantly being aggravated that they are cluttering our cabinets. However, when I do use them all at one time, I can't find anything in my refrigerator and our food ends up spoiling.


Great video!!! I was going through my clothes today and couldn’t believe my “someday” mentality and fear of regretting I donated it in the future. I worked through it but wild to really witness my mind go so heavily in that direction when I so desired to let go and make space for new clothes that better support me and my life now vs ten years or more ago. Really enjoyed this🙏


I have the same "negotiating thoughts" when I am in the confused state of decluttering. 😉
Thanks for making the video!


Omg!! You nailed it, Tara!!! You really did. I started making jewelry years ago and eventually collected thousands of tiny clasps, minute beads, etc just in case I needed them for that one bracelet or earring gs I would make one day. Now 5 yrs later I've stopped making jewelry and I have a 6 dresser drawer full of beads & etc. I want to give it away! But that
"someday" keeps haunting me. You have freed me! I've got a whole new perspective! Thanku thanku
