David Grubbs: Reading the Bible as Literature

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Dr. David Grubbs, Houston Baptist University, Christian Humanist Podcast

The Bible is a gift from God that announces the good news of Jesus Christ to all of creation. It is also a remarkable book that collects diverse pieces of literature spanning thousands of years and numerous genres. In light of these truths, the church should read the Bible as more than literature but never less than literature. This practice means being attentive to the special ways in which the human authors shaped their texts, and honoring these texts as the powerful instruments by which God is shaping us into his people.

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Thank you so much for this video! Ive had a few sour faces when ive explained i read and analyze the bible as a book beautifully written and read it from the eyes of a writer learning new ways of expression. Its such a wholesomely beautiful book that gives you stories and accounts so magnificent, it gives you something to look up to 😊


Hello, and thanks for this video. When I first clicked to watch this video, I was kind of nervous about what would be said, but I was pleasantly surprised. Although I am unsure about the human wordsmith part, I like the respect and sense of beauty that Mr. Grubbs conveyed concerning the Bible. That was good to hear, and perhaps next time I read Psalms or Ruth I will think about what he said. Thank again.


I think the bible and old texts in general would actually be very important to read to everyone who seeks knowledge as it gives us a view on how people lived back then and also on many ancient Civilisations and the nature of the Human mind.
