5 Saltwater Fish I Regret Buying...and Why?

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In 15 years I have purchased lots of fish I have regretted buying, these are the ones I regretted the most

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UK Coral Frags - www.prestigereef.co.uk


Porcupine Puffers are great fish, provided you set up a tank for them alone. They're great company. We forget these are wild animals that live in a harsh world. Expecting them to play well with others is often a bad idea. Something I learned the hard way.


I had a Snowflake Eel that was both my favorite fish and my least favorite depending on the day. It was very tame and would eat from my hand but as soon as I left the room it would jump out of the tank. After a couple time I sealed the tank up quite tight, but it still would find a way to get out around the filter hanging on the back. I walked in from work one day to find it behind the tank and completely dried up. I put him in a bowl of water from the tank and it came right back to life though.


Lmao, man when you said " when it comes to clown tangs, they are all... just.. bastards.." I busted out laughing. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I agree! I've been keeping Marine fish for over 40 years and your comments validate my own thoughts about the same fish. Thank You!


When you started your list, I could see my aquarium life... I went for almost all of them except the Tang.... I guess we have to live these experiences... Thank you so much for your great content. All the best


I’d like to add to this list:
•Sixline Wrasse - Psychopaths.
•Aiptasia eating filefish - ate Acro polyps, ignored Aips.
•Diamond bar Goby - buries corals overnight, or constantly scatters sand from midwater.


Mine was my bicolour Blenny, he was one of the later additions to my tank but literally bullied, chased and shredded the fins as well as seriously stressed out fish up to 3 times his size, had to rehouse him and my lfs said they’d never heard of such a thing!


I wish you had posted this one a few weeks ago!!
New to the hobby. In a rash moment I ignored all the good advice on YouTube about not making impulse buys and bought a small Clown Tang because we liked the colours. (I blame my wife because I wanted to get a Royal Gramma but she preferred the Clown Tang!!) It was hyper from the moment I put it in the tank. It seemed to eat most foods and did nibble on algae. My nice Banggai Cardinal died a week after I introduced the Clown Tang - I don't think it was being aggressive towards it but just stressed it with its constant swimming laps at turbo speed! My Dart Fish disappeared into the rock never to be seen again. Could it have also nibbled on small Zoas because some of mine started to disappear? Everything went from peaceful to way too frantic so I bought a fish trap and returned it to my LFS. I did first try to catch it in a net - zero chance is an understatement! But I did have fun with the trap - took me 3 days to get the little
Cost me £33 as I only got 30% of the value back on the Tang plus £42 for a fish frap and £39 for a small replacement tank bred Banngai. So in total a £114 mistake and my poor Banggai paid the ultimate price for my mistake - which is the only thing I really care about
The tank has now returned to its former serenity and my Dart Fish is out and about again ! No more impulse buys and 100% no 2nd Clown Tang


I encourage you to give lions another try, this time with dwarves (especially dwarf fuzzies!!). They’re absolute joys. Mine is super active, especially whenever he sees me. Very intelligent, he recognizes me out of the rest of the people on the house. He doesn’t eat other fish, although this works on a fish to fish basis. Some eat other fish, some don’t. Feeding can be a bit more intensive, mine only ate live ghost shrimp for the longest time until recently when I got him to eat large frozen mysis. Even if you have to put in effort with feeding (instead of just dropping dry food into the tank), it’s a joy to watch em eat.


I have a clown tang and he is growing and very well. A very active fish but can also be a little mean to my hippo tangs. He was aggressive for a short period of time then stopped. I’m not usually having problems with him and he is a stunning fish (although they can get aggressive sometimes). In general, I have not have any problems with him and he is one of my most favorite fish ad well as the boss of the tank.


had a 90 gallon reef tank. my last addition was to be my center piece fish. a beautiful majestic. the second that fish hit the water it went to town on my xenia. nothing else just the xenia. with in two days i had a xenia free tank lol. if you have a xenia take over of your tank I highly recommend a majestic angle. never touched any other coral.


With Dwarf Angels it's not if they'll eat coral but when!


I didn't know porcupine puffers could be so aggressive. I had an adult, and it was so tame and wouldn't come near most of my fish. It ate my starfish tho


I'm enjoying my Porcupine Puffer as he has a very distinct personality and my kids enjoy feeding him... he literally jumps out the water to say "hi" however.... he almost needs his own tank, with one large blue tang that seems to not be scared of him, all the small fish have now mysteriously disappeared in the night!


One of the best on this subject - definitely need to heed this list! Do at ur peril/ aggravation and $.


Oh man I have so many of these in my mixed reef and they are all doing great. I’ve got a Porcupine Puffer, Foxface, Coral Beauty, and Clown Tang. I will admit the Clown Tang is the smallest yet most dominant fish in my tank but these are all 1-2 years old and doing great.


I had the same problem with my Fox face.It was sad. I had him for seven years.I tried in the end, he got a new home.


I have the same reason I always avoid lions. Although, dwarf lions don’t get quite so big but are still relatively restrictive

My magnificent avoids all sorts of coral, It’s my second attempt, kept both for 2 years. Absolutely love these guys, keep them well fed and they should avoid all fish.

Totally agree on you with the others though! Absolutely hate clown tangs… The 1 inch specimens are nightmares and even the largest tangs probably wouldn’t be able to keep them from shanking other fish


I loved this video 😂. I know zip about fish, so it’s good to learn as I journey my way thru this new hobby of mine.
