Hidden Prostate Cancer: This Check-Up Could Save Your Life

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Did you know Prostate Cancer is the Silent Killer of Men, as it's the most common form of Cancer for men? One of the reasons for its severity is that the beginning stages of prostate cancer can have no symptoms! If you're a man in your 40s or older, then this video may save your life.

I'm Dr. Rachael Ross, Board Certified Physician and Sexologist, and I'm here to expose a dangerous truth that's putting men's lives at risk.

Did you know that feeling fine could actually be your biggest risk factor for Prostate Cancer? Over 25% of cases occur before retirement age. Despite medical advances, death rates haven't significantly changed. Why is that? Because many diagnoses are found too late. In this video, I'll explain why a lack of urinary symptoms might signal a higher cancer risk and why waiting for symptoms could be a deadly mistake!

You'll also discover how to assess your true risk of prostate cancer and why an enlarged prostate isn't always a sign of cancer. Don't wait for symptoms - as when they do come, it could be too late. You can discuss proper testing with your doctor for early detection, and I'll tell you what those are.

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⌚⌚ Timestamps ⌚⌚
02:12 Early Detection is Key!
04:03 Prostate Anatomy
05:24 Advanced Prostate Cancer
06:27 Prostate Specific Antigen - PSA Test

#drrachaelross #sexologist #sexpert #sexuality #prostatehealth #prostatecare #menshealth #prostatecancerawareness #prostatecancer
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Thanks for this important video, Dr. Ross. I was diagnosed (at age 62) with an early stage but nonetheless aggressive prostate cancer almost 3 years ago. I underwent a radical prostatectomy 6 weeks after diagnosis, and have had undetectable PSA since (meaning essentially that I'm cancer-free). I had no symptoms, and will be forever grateful that the medical group where I receive my primary care tests for PSA as part of the annual checkup blood testing. Understandably, I feel the current trend to offer PSA testing on an optional basis is pure BS. No one should go through metastatic prostate cancer (one of the worst possible ways to die) since it can so easily be found early and cured.


I have frequent urination with me almost my whole life including nighttime during sleep. Some have said
it a problem, prostate, cancer etc. I don't even think about it and live my life, never had anykind of major illness
entire life and I'm approaching 80. I see my Dr. once a year.
Thank you Dr. Rachael for your videos.


This is so true...my husband didn't have any signs At All...then suddenly he has stage 4 prostate cancer!


Thanks Dr Rachael. This is so very timely. I watch my PSA numbers closely and had a digital check recently. However was not aware of ultra sound check or mri check! Will talk with my Doctor soon on this suggestion. Thanks again for the heads up. You are such an inspiration love your energy & dedication! 👍🌹


Peace and blessings Dr. Rachael, thank you for the information 🙏🏿✌🏿💙


I love you too Dr Rachel.. Wish you were my Urologist. All your videos are of extreme value to all men!


Great advice and men you need to take it seriously. My physician noticed an elevated PSA and started monitoring it. He eventually sent me to a urologist who after a MRI and biopsy determined I had prostate cancer. I had absolutely no symptoms and even at the age of 67 never had to get up to pee during the night etc. Fortunately mine was contained and had not spread. I chose a radical prostatectomy over radiation therapy and my PSA has tested at 0 since. That test saved my life for certain.


I love your videos. i'm 53 workout and now the things are happening. If you are married i hope he has taken care of himself


I got prostate cancer at age 49. I was a little upset because after almost 2 years of complaining to my doctor of discomfort it was finally discovered. After surgery, radiation treatment and hormone therapy I'm fine.
Of course all of that has taken a toll on virility. Doc, do you have any videos addressing that issue?


Wow! Excellent as always Dr. Rachel! Thank you so much for all that you do!


I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Rachael Ross for her contributions to modern medicine and male sexual health. I think they should consider you for a Nobel Prize.


Their is also a Special MRI that can be done Specifically for the Prostate .


You're the best doc. Continue to allow the universe the creator etc in guiding and protecting you as you provide very vital important information for the best interest of human health.


Good creditable info. Always good to get checked out when in doubt and you just confirmed it. Thanks


Just requested my test today. Thanks for your video information.


Super important and helpful advice. Thank you!


I'm going to order this..as a competitive powerlifter I have a lot of these symptoms from taking testosterone for years..I hope this product helps shrink my prostate as I know it can't hurt to take it so I hope & pray 🙏 it can do some good ..


So I commented on a short For older men
in a sense explaining me thinking about this so this is what I’m worried about but I ultimately asked as a young individual what should we should potentially be concerned about internally and not just our intakes


Thanks for the info about Prostate cancer diagnosis. Love you Dr. Rachael ❤


I inquired about the prostate imaging with my doctor, and no radiologists at our two large medical centers are set up for prostate imaging. They also have no evidence that imaging provides any benefit, the American Urological Association also lacks evidence that there's any benefit from prostate imaging, and health insurance will not cover prostate imaging.
