Dr. Georgia Ede - 'Nutritional and Metabolic Strategies for Optimizing Mental Health'

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Dr. Georgia Ede received her B.A. in Biology from Carleton College in Minnesota, then spent seven years as a research assistant in the fields of biochemistry, wound healing and diabetes before going on to earn an M.D. from the University of Vermont College Of Medicine.

Dr. Ede then completed her residency in general adult psychiatry at Harvard's Cambridge Hospital in 2002 and was a staff psychopharmacologist at Harvard University Health Services from 2007 to 2013. In 2013 she left Harvard to become the psychiatrist for Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts where she provides nutrition consults as well as psychiatric services to Smith students.

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After a life time of confusion, nervousness, depression ....have been freed by a carnivore diet ...and the regeneration from old injuries has been impressive ...


Thank you for that excellent presentation. My 32 year old son was diagnosed with MS in 2018. After some research, he switched to a paleo diet. He was able to eliminate all medications and improve his quality of life significantly. In addition, the MRIs show that the illness is not progressing.


Dr. Ede is amazing. I didn't learn about her until about 9 months into my keto journey. I had mild/moderate anxiety and took prescription medication to help. Being in ketosis and eating whole foods has not only helped my weight, but it immediately helped my mental health. I no longer need any medication and I feel better than when I was taking it! Truly amazing! How many people could this help if people were open to trying it?! If it didn't help after 4-6 months, they could always go back to eating whatever they used to eat. No harm done.


When I was in my early 30s I was crippled with anxiety attacks that seemed to go away out of no where. It wasn't just anxiety it was physical symptoms.. like i had forgotten how to breath right. At the same time Dr. Atkins and a few other books (the Wrinkle Cure) came out about low carb. I didn't put the two together but with Atkins, I went from about 150gs of carbs a day down to about 50. I increased my intake of Salmon and meat and without even putting the two together my anxiety and problems breathing went away. Until.. in my mid 40s I tried one week of Vegetarian... and it all came back. Then I knew... it was carbs and perhaps the lack of fish and meat.


I'm ALWAYS here to hear, and listen to, anything and EVERYTHING Dr. Ede has to say. She's articulate, and her true caring heart conveys. She's changing so many lives. Just beautiful.



Thank you Dr. Ede. I have been following you and Dr. Paul Mason for close to 2.5 years now as I engage in a keto/carnivore diet…..with great success. Although I did not suffer from any mental dysfunction I have shed 60 lbs and find myself in a generally joyous state of mind.


Almost all my anxiety and depression has disappeared on a low carb diet.
Thanks so much


Dr Georgia Ede and Dr Chris Palmer have such enthusiasm and easy to understand knowledge on the effects of nutrition on mental and physical health. Love listening to both of them and others who have benefited from improvements in changing over to this way of getting healthy.


Another great talk by the fabulous Dr Ede. Next time, Georgia, could you consider talking about your experience with your own patients and perhaps some case studies.


Always love Low Carb Down Under videos!


Thank you for a very helpful presentation. I’ve noticed profound improvements in my mental health conditions on my ketogenic journey. I had already stopped medication prior to starting keto, because I wasn’t happy with the negative effects (weight gain in particular), so I know the improvements weren’t related to medicating with pharmacotherapies. I’m grateful to have the power to improve my health (including T2D) through nutrition, not medication. Everyone deserves that opportunity.

Thank you for mentioning ASD and the review article suggesting the ketogenic diet may be an effective therapy. I have a family member with ASD and I believe they could make some changes well within their capacity and alleviate many of the issues they deal with if they adopt the ketogenic diet.

My wish is for more practitioners to educate themselves in nutritional medicine and understand that they cannot treat a person’s condition without first ensuring their metabolism is heathy. Bravo to you and the work you do.


Great information from Dr Ede, again learnt so much today from all these informative videos from Low Carb Down Under.
I suffered greatly from brain fog and low energy level and the ketogenic diet saved me, cleared the fog and got stable energy level all day long.
I wasn’t even eating a high carbohydrate diet to begin with that’s what’s shocking, I was sold to believe it didn’t matter what types of carbs I put in my body as long as I didn’t over eat overall calories. So I didn’t eat any staple carbs like rice, pasta or bread with meals, instead I choose to eat daily 2-3 cookies as a snack, protein shake that has dextrose in it and cakes 2-3 times a week. I thought I was ok because I ate moderate amount carbs since I only ate roughly 100g carbs a day. My gosh how wrong I was, after watching numerous videos educating myself I realise I was already insulin resistant. I wasn’t overweight so that made it even harder to realise how unhealthy I was.
My partner saw improvement in his mood and energy level too, he use to get frustrated easily and angry from work quite often. Now when pressed with the same crap from work he handles it much better.
We started Keto to get our health back and we’re never looking back!


Psychiatrist Dr Georgia Ede is at the leading edge of diet and mental health/agility. Nice slides. This is a great summary


The breadth and scope of her understanding is truly awesome. I will listen to this again and perhaps several times more, and give recommendations at online forums. 5 star!


Wonderful presentation. I have been on keto for 11 months and have lost 130 pounds. I find I have more mental clarity, and focus on keto. My father was manic depressive. I understand that this condition is hereditary, maybe keto will help me avoid this condition. In any case, a year ago I would not have even been interested enough to listen to this lecture. So, keto must be having a positive effect on my brain. Thanks for your efforts. It was informative to say the least.


I love Dr. Georgia Ede and Paul! Thank you!


Thank you, excellent presentation. Especially the section on cerebral glucose hypometabolism was eye opener for me (after 19:30). My last 4 years of ketogenic diet tells me all that is said should be most likely true.


Great presentation as always. Can’t recommend Dr Ede enough and her course on medical ketogenic diets is excellent


I really like listening to Dr Ede, I have enjoyed all of her talks. I just scream though when "mediterranean" is used improperly, being a huge fan of those cuisines, and they are indeed varied. Nigiri, really, mediterranean? First off, where did the salmon come from (and it probably was farmed!) Anyway, that is just me tearing my hair out (or poking knitting needles in my eyes as G Taubes would say) every time I see those beautiful cuisines mangled by some bizarre idea of what it means. Cous-cous (fish, seafood, lamb etc), grilled fish (NOT salmon), pasta (as an first course, not 2 lbs as a main course), Bacalao, game, rilled vegetables doused with olive oil, salted preserved lard, fermented butter, and the list goes on.
But, I am a fan of Georgia Ede, definitely.


Love you Georgia, Thanks for all you do, could listen to you all day.
